Chapter 89 - The Truce

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A/N: Big shout out to @nate28042004 , @NightcoreBL7  @TeredaBishop and all other readers for keeping up with the story even during my hiatus. Really appreciate all your feedback, votes and encouragement.

Ethan inhaled deeply of his mate's intoxicating pinewood scent, trying to assure his racing heart that Jan was safe. As the blonde vampire recounted details of their investigation, his arms tightened protectively around his mate. Hearing of a bewitched wolf forced to fight and kill another Lycan was unreal. Even the pained expression on Zyga's face sent a shiver down Ethan's spine as the seasoned tracker depicted the scene and his findings.

But when Jan described his narrow escape from the buzzing snakes, Ethan's heart stopped cold.

"You could have died," he gasped, finally understanding just how risky his mate's little essence trip had been.

"No... Well, not really," Jan responded, patting the smooth, muscled hand circling his belly. But his hesitation had Ethan's nerves and eyebrows spiking. "That spell does not kill... not directly. Had their probes caught me, they would have attacked me mentally, breaking me down till I was a senseless puppet in their hands."

"We know of that spell," Jeb spoke from beside them. "But wolves are not susceptible to it because of Luna's protection."

"Ah! Who told you that? The witches? Oh yes, I'm sure they never lie." Adam's gleeful sarcasm was unmistakable through the phone speaker.

The vanguard did not answer, but he shared a look with Zyga and Eric, which lacked its usual confidence. Ethan caught it and clenched his fist, realizing the councilman might have hit the nail on the head. His mate patted it as if reading the betrayal in him.

"A witch's truth and a lie are different faces of the same coin," Jan said to the room. "Luna's rays may offer some protection, but they do not reach Gaia's channels which connect everything on this earth. Witches can follow the flow even though they can't manipulate them as we can. And just as I found Ethan through the channels, they can use it to attack any essence."

Ethan's eyebrows wrinkled as years of education conflicted with Jan's statement. "But I thought a witch needs to meet whoever they're casting on physically before their spell can work."

His mate shook his head, twisting to face him with eyes that had returned to their silvery color. "No, spells can be cast from anywhere. They only need to be present to complete it or make it permanent. It's why I assumed there was a witch near you when I first felt the summons from you."

"It'll also explain why we have a lot of missing wolves rather than dead ones. Maybe they're making them into puppets, as Jan said." Eri's voice echoed around Ethan.

When only Zyga, Jeb, Eric, and Brent swiveled their heads in his friend's direction, he realized Eri had spoken over the pack channel rather than aloud.

Eric's slight sneer spoke volumes of his disbelief. "This sounds a little too convenient. Our wolves are attacked all over the country, but when we discover a vampire is involved, it suddenly appears that a witch is behind it all."

Without hesitating, Ethan replied over the link. "I believe my mate."

"Easy, son." Zyga also used the channel, though he raised his hand for peace. "Eric, I agree with you. There're question marks around this case, but Jan does make some valid points. And I know what I saw. Aside from the fight scene, we had no leads to follow. Over a hundred wolves went missing tonight without leaving a single track... no vampire is that good. It's a trick the witches have finetuned and one our forefathers once relied heavily on during the war."

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