Chapter 38 - Wasting Away

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Jan hunched over the toilet and threw up the blood he had just consumed for dinner. His best friend stood beside him, supporting him by the shoulder and rubbing his back.

Jan had not drunk much, to begin with. Now his renegade belly was intent on emptying all its contents. Ethan's orange orb was ablaze against the link they shared. It was almost like the wolf was trying to scorch his brain, and Jan's body was physically reacting to that wildfire.

Both to Jan's chagrin and delight, the connection with Ethan had deepened over the last couple of days to a point where it was like background music. His latest hobby had been to tune in and eavesdrop on the young wolf's temperament when he was alone. But on days like today, the link became a double-edged sword.

Jan shut his eyes and probed the channel, trying to send over a calming compulsion. But that pit of sentimental inferno rioted in response, lashing out with a tendril and inducing another round of vomiting. Jan's bluish orb backed away, shutting the gates on that connection.

Whatever was going on in the wolf's mind would not let Jan intrude.

After the heaves subsided, he got up with Louie's help, nursing the headache that had taken root at his temple. At the farmhouse vanity, Jan washed the disgusting taste of partly digested blood out of his mouth and splashed some water on his face.

Wiping himself dry, he caught his reflection in the oval mirror above the sink.

Shadows circled eyes that had sunk into his skull. His cheeks had hollowed out, causing the cheekbones to become more pronounced, and his chin was more angular than before. He was growing gaunt. The most worrying change was his hair was bleached white at the roots. He looked down at his nails, and just as he expected, thin dark rings lined the cuticles.

Those were the symptoms of a starving vampire.

Jan had not fed on fresh blood since leaving Snow Pines. That was weeks ago. Each attempt to feed on a human repulsed him. Yet, his desire for the taste of a particular wolf's blood intensified. His mouth watered, just thinking of that nectar.

He closed his eyes for a minute, taking a deep breath to calm himself.

His troubles seem to be breeding faster than bees. He had been surviving on stale packaged blood, but even that betrayed him now. Nonetheless, Jan fought against the urge to return to Ethan's side just to feed.

It also did not help that the exasperating tracker was inciting the vampire community against him.

He met Louie's eye through the mirror. The worry lines had deepened on the face of the usually carefree Frenchman.

He sighed. Gaia really leaves me with no choice.

Louie helped him back to the brown sofa, where Ivan sat talking on the phone.

They were in the home of Dr. Lorraine 'Lorr' Myers. Over the fifty-odd years Jan had known her, Lorr had immersed herself in the origins and history of vampires, wolves, and witches. Her house was a bibliophile's haven, cluttered with arcane books and obscure texts.

Like her surroundings, Lorr always had the appearance of needing to be looked after. Today, her attire comprised a pink flowery shirt under a yellow cardigan over red plaid pants. Half of her mousy brown hair had escaped the scrunchie that was supposed to hold it together.

Even after settling down in a quiet community, Lorr's disorderly habits had not improved. Jan shook his head then winced as that worsened his headache.

Louie returned from the kitchen with a fresh glass of blood for Jan.


"Welcome, cheri," he responded, plucking a forgotten glass between Lorr's knees as she pecked away on her laptop.

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