Chapter 53 - Loss Of A Father

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"Hahaha!" Eri guffawed beside Ethan while Brent wheezed his lungs out on the other side, tears streaming down his face.

Still dealing with the recent cold shoulder and tremulous looks Ethan was receiving from some students, the trio took their lunch outside in the schoolyard rather than join the throng in the cafeteria. And in the privacy of the great outdoors and frosty autumn air, Ethan had spilled his guts about his failed adventures and frustration with getting closer to his mate.

Instead of the sympathy he was expecting, his so-called friends crumpled on the ground with laughter.

"Bro, I thought I had it bad with my sister," Brent said, in between huffs as he tried to regain his breathing. "She has the worst timing, especially when I'm trying to sneak off to go meet a girl. But I swear, it ain't half as bad as the folks you have in your home. At least, she's only pre-moon, so her hearing isn't that great. I can't imagine what it'll be like in a house full of wolves and vampires, trying to keep me away from my girl."

"That would be frustrating as hell. I mean, endless hard-on with no release in sight. Your mate right there, but you can't touch him. That's pure torture," Eri said, rubbing salt into Ethan's wounds.

"Bruh, no-nut November is supposed to be for only one month, not an entire goddamn season," Brent added, and the two cracked up again.

Ethan frowned, giving them a dirty look. He was already regretting his decision to open his mouth. Thank Luna he had never mentioned attempting to seduce his mate through that raunchy solo session in the bathroom. He would have never heard the end of it. "You two are jerks."

Eventually, they sobered up enough to lend their brains to his problem.

"For real, though, mates are a whole different ball game from girlfriends. I dunno if we're the right people you should be talking to. I mean, you need to talk to someone who's found their mate. They can give you some pointers," Eri suggested.

Ethan thought of the people he knew who had mates and grimaced. He did not fancy talking to Jeb or his mother about seducing Jan. "Do you know anyone here who has a mate?"

"All our parents, dumbass. You can try Pops," Brent suggested, dusting sand off his black jeans as he perched back on the steps beside Ethan. "I mean, sometimes he's a bit stuffy, but overall he's cool. On my first day in high school, he handed me a bunch of condoms."

The idea of talking to the beta of Gray Oaks about mates was crazy enough but imagining strict, no-nonsense Eric Johnson handing out rubbers was plain weird.

He cocked his head, looking at Brent. "Why condoms? You can't impregnate a girl who's not your mate."

"Yeah, but I can catch an STD. I'm trying to pick up skills, not the clap."

"Oh." Ethan had forgotten about that. He should have known and been prepared for these things, but they were topics he could never bring up with his mom or Zyga. "I guess if my dad was around, I could've asked him. He was pretty cool too."

"Oh my bad, Ethan. I didn't mean to ...."

"Nah, it's ok. I was just reminded of him, that's all."

Though he had not intended it, the mirth cleared off his friends' faces. This was one of the few times Ethan spoke about the former alpha, and it was a rare moment when he truly missed having his father with him.

"Did they ever find out how he died?" Eri asked, handing him a bottle of water.

Ethan shrugged, uncapping the plastic. "They claim it was the rogue, but Zyga doesn't believe that lone wolf could take out an Alpha, and Jeb says my dad was a better warrior than that. But there were no other tracks found at the site apart from the rogue and my dad's. Zyga checked. No marks, no prints, nothing. The official report said his wounds were too great."

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