Chapter 11 - Excursion

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In the days leading up to the excursion, Ethan rode on a high of good spirits and fortune.

The rumor about him being friends with a Dhampir was soon overshadowed by another scandal: a basketball player caught cheating on his girlfriend in the gym. After that, Ethan's notoriety dimmed, and fewer tongues wagged when he walked by.

Even though he no longer harbored any romantic feelings for Emily, he spent more time with her. On the other hand, he hardly came across Ben Ryden. The couple of times he had seen him, he and his gang had kept their distance, which was okay with Ethan.

Who knew the secret to a happy life in high school was to lose a crush and avoid a jerk?

Even his mom's negative response to sign the excursion permission slip did not dampen his spirit. It was the night before the deadline to submit the form.

"Mo-om," he whined, coming round the kitchen island to hug her from behind. "It's going to be fun, and everyone will be there. You always told me to make more friends."

She sighed, dropping the wooden spoon on the counter. "I know, hon. But Ryden's boy would also be there with only a few teachers to supervise him. And no one knows where that vampire is hiding. I'm scared for you."

"I promise it'll be safe. We've got a Vanguard escort, and I hear the Gray Oaks school will also have an escort with them. That's a whole lot of warriors. Nothing will happen."

"I'm not sure, Ethan. I think it'll still be best if you stayed at home."

He popped a meatball from her pot into his mouth, huffing frantically as it scalded his tongue. His mom swatted his shoulder as if the pain of a seared mouth was not enough, then shooed him away from her dinner prep.

He grabbed an ice cube from the freezer, placing it on his tongue to draw out the heat and soothe the area.

"It'll be fine, mom." His words were distorted by the obstruction. "Besides, Zyga is coming along to keep an eye on Ben Ryden."

His adopted father, who had agreed to no such thing, turned away from the TV to frown at him.

Please say yes. Please say yes. Please say yes.

He hoped Zyga could read the desperation in his eyes. The tracker glared at him for a moment before giving a quick nod. Ethan heaved a sigh.

His mom narrowed her eyes at him, but after some consideration, she grumbled, "Alright."


On the day of the excursion, Ethan woke up while the sky was still dark. He closed his eyes, trying to slip back into the world of dreams, but his mind was restless, refusing to calm down. And his heart began to race when he thought of all the fun he was going to have: spending two days away from home, walking through the woods, playing games by the campfire ...

Eventually, he gave up on going back to sleep.

Ethan glanced at the dormant forms on the air mattress next to his bed. Damien hogged the blankets, but Cody spread his limbs all over, pushing him to the bed's edge. He snorted, knowing they would be arguing over who was the worst bedmate come morning.

Grabbing his phone from the nightstand, he opened the calendar app. The full moon starts tomorrow, but they were only spending one night at camp. He would be back just before his heat flushes began.

Ethan tossed the covers off him and padded over to his closet.

After dressing and packing a change of clothes and toiletries, he paused, studying the two moonlit terrors sprawled on the floor.

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