Chapter 43 - Reverberations

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Jan's body was on fire despite the freezing soil he was buried in.

When the shower turned on upstairs, and he heard Ethan's first grunt, Jan thought the werewolf had hurt himself in the bathroom. By the time he realized what was happening, the wolf was flooding their link with his lust.

And Jan's body reacted. Heart pounding, his breath quickened and grew shallow, and the air around him warmed uncomfortably.

Unable to help himself, he listened to every sigh, moan and squelch from Ethan. His skin tingled, wanting to feel Ethan against him like the night before. Remembering the werewolf's salty taste on his tongue, Jan swallowed, trying to wet a suddenly dry throat.

And when Ethan whispered his name, a shiver ran through him, almost undoing him.

But his face burned with shame, knowing his brother could also hear every sound the werewolf made. At least Louie was asleep. Jan burrowed deeper into the soil and focused on slowing his heartbeat.

Gaia, save me, he prayed. This was the first time he had called on the earth deity to intervene in such a matter. It was almost blasphemous.

Finally, Ethan's ejaculation ended the sweet torture for both of them, but Jan was left still trembling with need. Not daring to meet his brother's gaze, he closed his eyes and recited the names of his biological family. That usually brought sanity back.

Pa, who ran their small farm until he died from an infected wound.

Ma, who baked the loveliest bread and pies. She was raped and killed during a wolf raid on their village.

Signe, who could throw a mean left hook. She was also raped in the attack and died when she tried to escape.

Nanne, the youngest. Brave little Nanne; murdered when she went to fight off her sister's attackers. She was seven.

Iselin, fairest and most beautiful of the three villages around. She had made it from the raids only to be bedded by his sire and turned into a Dhampir. Jan had to kill her.

Olav, his father's ancestor-cousin who had sired both him and Ivan.

It worked, though Jan had to recite it twice before his heartbeat slowed down.

He learned something new today: regardless of his sexual preferences, Ethan was a very potent aphrodisiac.

Careful, Andrea. Make sure you're never left alone with him until you figure out what's happening.

Jan worked on his breathing, taking in deep inhales and letting out the air slowly to calm his mind. He needed to rest but try as much as he could, sleep was elusive.

Maybe it was because the ground he lay in was not the most comfortable despite its rejuvenating properties. Or it was the numerous wolves he sensed patrolling the trees outside that got on his nerves. Maybe his curiosity about Ethan kept him awake, listening to the warm conversation between mother and son above. Or was it the memories of Ethan's romp in the bathroom earlier that kept his heart pounding?

Moments after the sun dipped beneath the horizon, Jan rose from his makeshift bed. He paused for a minute, focusing inward and feeling out the particles of debris clinging to his person. Then holding them in place with Gaia's energy, he stepped through, leaving a dusty silhouette behind him. The sand hovered briefly and then fell back to the earth. This was the cleanest he would get until he took a bath.

"Better?" Ivan asked from the other side of the room. Jan glanced at him, but there was no hint of mockery on the Russian's face. Maybe Ivan had not noticed his frustration earlier.

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