Chapter 3 - Payback

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After school, Ethan and Cody stopped by a burger joint on their way to the Banes.

"Can I get an extra cheeseburger and fries?" Cody requested when asked for his preference.

"Sure... starving?"

"Not really. It's for Damien. He probably hasn't eaten by now."

Ethan studied his brother, remembering how Cody got him a towel for his flushes this morning. And now this. It dawned on him that his brother's compassionate nature was becoming a dominant trait. The thought drew Ethan's eyebrows down in an unintended scowl.

"What?" asked Cody, and Ethan realized he was staring.

"Uh... nothing," He stammered, trying to put his thoughts into words. "It's just... you're a lot like mom. Nice, caring..."

Cody's hazel-brown eyes, a replica of his own, stared back, still puzzled. Cody was easy to read and quick to trust. And that scared Ethan.

The world they lived in would eat him for lunch.

"Being nice isn't a bad thing. But be careful who you help, ok?"

Cody nodded hesitantly, and Ethan reached over to rough up his brother's short dark curls. They picked up their food at the next window and drove off towards the Bane residence.

"Hi, Mrs-" Ethan's voice trailed off when Meghan Bane answered the door with reddened eyes and dried tears.

"Ethan. Cody. Nice to see you!" Her flustered appearance belied the cheerfulness in her voice.

"Sorry to bother... is everything alright, Mrs. Bane?"

"Oh, of course. Everything is fine. Did you want anything?" She asked, sniffing through a wobbly smile.

"Uh... I was dropping Cody off, and my mom said to let you know that she'll be coming by tomorrow." Ethan picked up on Mrs. Bane's cue, acting as if nothing was amiss. Curiosity was eating at him alive, but since Mrs. Bane did not want to discuss her issues, it would be rude for him to pry. Not to mention, he did not know her that well to insist she tell him anything. So he held his tongue, intending to grill Cody for details later.

"Oh... right. Come in." She stepped aside and let Cody in.

"Thanks, Mrs. Bane." Cody chimed and disappeared upstairs without a backward glance.

Ethan excused himself and was almost at the car when he heard her call out.

"Yes, Mrs. Bane?"

"Do you mind doing me a favor?"

"Sure, ma'am."

"Can you stay with the boys for a couple of hours? I need to pass by the hospital, and I don't want them to be alone." She added. "I'll be back in a couple of hours. I just need to deliver some items, and I can't take-"

"Sure, Mrs. Bane. I can stay. I have nothing else to do."

"Thank you. My number is on the notepad. Call me if anything comes up." And with that, she left the house.

After settling in, Ethan's curiosity about Mrs. Bane's ruffled state led him up to her son's room. He inched the door open when he heard Cody's mumbled response to his taps. Damien and Cody sat on the floor, watching a video on a laptop. Ethan recognized the footage as one from a famous online prankster, but there was no laughter from the boys.

"Hey, just checking to see if you guys need anything."

Damien did not reply. He sat staring at the screen, lost in his world. Cody answered his brother with a shake of his head. Ethan decided to wait until they were home to ask his brother what had happened. He retreated to the living room, gently closing the door behind him.

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