Chapter 119 - Yearning Gaze

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"Lycans! They're fucking wolves!" Jan screeched in Russian, jumping to his feet. A menacing low hiss rattled through his teeth as three ferocious men charged in, brawling. His eyes flashed red, and deadly fangs dipped beneath his pale, chapped lips.

Their heavy, musky canine smell flooded the bedroom, overwhelming every other scent. They grunted and yelled as the scuffle intensified, threatening to rip the door off its hinges.

"Ethan, wait!"

"Stop him, Eri!"

"I'm trying! He's twice my size!"

Jan paused, confused.

The intruders were not rushing to attack him. Instead, they fought amongst themselves. Four of them latched onto the tall, broad-shouldered one in the middle, grabbing his clothes, legs, and waist. They were struggling to restrain him.

The dark wolf scooted to the front and used his body weight to push him back. "Big guy, you need to chill! Cody, grab his arm!"

The move was doubly bizarre because even though the dark Lycan blocked his path, he was clearly not trying to challenge the curly-haired wolf. Instead, he lowered his gaze and tilted his head, exposing a vulnerable neck as if in deference to the other one.

What the hell? Trying to make sense of the chaos before him, Jan's focus shifted to the one in the middle.

"His eyes!" He gasped, a warning tingle racing down his spine.

The canine's irises blazed bright red like a vampire's.

Jan could not recall ever seeing a Lycan with such eyes. However, he instinctively knew the wolf in the middle was dangerous. His aura dominated the room, overshadowing every other presence and demanding his attention. The struggling wolves faded into the background like twinkling stars surrounding a bright full moon.

It drew Jan's focus like a beacon, refusing to let him go.

This was a very dangerous Lycan - a big bad wolf.

A darkness clung to him that had nothing to do with the five o'clock stubble nor the dark curls on his head. It was not the dimness one witnessed when the lights were off. It was an insidious shadow that Jan sensed, rather than saw, hiding the ferocious beast swimming just beneath the surface.

Like a deer caught in headlights, Jan watched the shadows play across the wolf's captivating face as the bestial side fought for dominance. The blood-red eyes stared back at him; an intense longing burned fiercely in their depths.

An echoing flame flared to life within Jan.

His pounding heart skipped a beat.

Those eyes... they looked so familiar.

Something brushed the back of the vampire's head. He flinched. A lone orange tendril swirled around his orb, wrapping it like a lover's embrace. It came from a fiery tornado raging through a gatelike opening.

Instinctively, Jan knew that was the Big Bad Wolf. No vampire or witch essence burned like a flame, and only one as powerful as him could shine so brightly. But how was a Lycan able to send a probe to him?

"Of course, witchcraft!" He hissed, answering himself. In a heartbeat, he condensed his orb and blasted out a strong pulse. It flung the clinging tendril out of his space and closed the gate.

The Big Bad Wolf surged towards him, struggling against his restraints.

Jan answered with a rattling hiss in his throat.

"Ethan, don't. You're scaring him," groaned one of the other Lycans, a shorter, fresh-faced version of Big Bad Wolf. Perhaps, a younger brother. Sweat flattened the edges of the matching curls to his nape.

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