1: A Day Like Any Other.

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An annoying, but familiar voice sounds from outside of my car—muffled, but still loud enough for me to hear. Yet at the sound of the slightly irritating voice, the lines of my lips slowly curl into,a smile as I lean foward in my chair. I slowly release my hands off of the fabric-coated wheel, and let my eyes drift toward the window where a familiar figure slowly starts to approach from out of the fence guarding his rather small house.

The familiar figure approaching me with those unnecessary movie glasses of his is Radford—my blonde-headed childhood friend and neighbor since we were in Elementary School. From day one ever since I've met him, I've pretty much known everything about him. His weird passion for movies, how easily anxious he can get when I do something that might get me in trouble, how worried he is over the littlest of things constantly, but also how excited he can get about things he likes.

Ever since we've become adults though, he's been pretty late for basically everything, including his own job. Though, I guess the only reason for that might just be the stress of now being an adult with rent to pay and a job to do every single day. And in all honesty—I'd be lying if I said it wasn't hard for me to get up in the morning. So even though he could be a bit of an airhead with an inconsistent schedule, I still understood his pain pretty well.

Smiling, I wait for him to get close to the car enough so I can unlock it and let him in.

And finally after a few seconds of wild running as he scrambled for my car, he finally got close enough to the door and stopped before it, his legs practically wobbling underneath him as he pressed his palms against his knees. I let my hand drift toward the button of my car with the little 'key-being-unlocked' symbol printed on it, and press it. The car let's out a simple, but rather loud mettalic click the moment I press it.

After a bit of harsh breathing as he kept leaning foward to catch his breath (I could pretty much tell since I saw how his mouth kept moving over and over from outside of the window, and how his shoulders kept rising up and down as his chest puffed—), his hand drifted foward and he slowly opened the car door, the humid air brushing against my face once he finally opened it.

Slipping inside the car with an exhausted smile now on his face, Radford began to talk in a rather breathy voicem his breaths accompanying every syllable he spoke.

"Jesus.. hah.. I overslept again.. hah.. but I managed to run out in time! Why were you about to drive off, man?!"

"You were gonna make me late to work if I just sat there waiting for ya the whole time. Honestly, if I didn't and kept waiting here, you probably would have gotten me yelled at by my boss again.."

"Hey, that was one time!"

"Yeah.. one time."

"It was, dude! I just happened to be really tired that morning.."

I pause. Radford begins to pout a little, fidgeting with his fingers in that child-like way of his that he's always done—his brows furrowed as his eyes begin to drift away. I then let out a chuckle, and reach my hand foward, before roughly ruffling his poofy blonde hair that practically sprung from his head and bounced with every little movement he made.

"Don't worry about it. I'm just teasing you."

Radford looked up at me in that usual way of his—his eyes wide and his cheeks suspiciously red. Letting go of his head right then, I let my eyes drift toward the road again, and slowly moved my hands toward the wheel.

"Now, c'mon," I said with a smug chuckle, "if we wait here any longer—we'll both be in real trouble with our bosses."

The red fades from Radford's cheeks, and his hands ball up and begin to shake in that anxious or excited way of his he's always done. His eyes drifting toward the road as well, Radford let out a simple as I slowly pressed my foot against the brakes.

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