39: Spending The Weekend With Kevin!

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After a few hours there, I eventually leave Radfords house and give him (and his family) one last goodbye before heading to my vehicle. Though as I walk to it, I still feel a little uneasy—and I frown to myself thinking about what he just said.

Would he be okay? I mean.. he seemed kinda paranoid. Maybe I could try convincing him to talk to a therapist about it or something.

Either way, I didn't really have time to think about it right now. Radford didn't want me to cancel my preparations with Kevin, so it was probably best I brushed it off for now.

Once I got to the car door that led to the driver's seat, I unlocked the door with my key, and slipped inside so I could drive back to my house.


I finally arrive at my house after a little bit of driving, and wait anxiously upon the couch of my home for Kevin's arrival—I can't help but drum my fingers nervously against the arm of the couch, staring off into space with a frown. Just what was going to happen when he finally got here?

And of course, after what seemed like forever, that question was eventually answered when I saw a pink vehicle slowly pull into the driveway of my house. I received a text from Kevin—telling me he had arrived.

Immediately, I shot up from the couch and dusted myself off—not wanting to look out of place in front of someone like him. I then hurried to the door where he must have been standing, twisted the doorknob, and opened it up.

And of course—standing there before me with a calm frown on his face and a tired look in his eyes was Kevin, his arms folded. For whatever reason, he appeared to be wearing some kind of pink sweater.

"..hey." He simply uttered once he saw me, giving a slight smile.

"Uhh.. hey." I awkwardly replied with a nervous smile, scratching the side of my head. There was silence for a moment. I wasn't really used to seeing him outside of the club.. not to mention seeing him in something else other than his pink shirt that he always wore.

Kevin noticed my staring, and then rolled his eyes. "Dude, come on.. I know we don't see eachother outside of the club that much, but still.."

"I—I know.. sorry.."

"Nah.. its fine. So.. anyway.. are you gonna let me in.. or..?"

"Oh—right." I laughed softly. I almost forgot he was supposed to come in. Gently getting out of his way, I opened the door so he could make his way in. He then gave a slight smile yet again, and walked into the interior of my house.


"So.. you got all the stuff I told you, right?"

"Yeah.. of course."

I replied as we made our way into the kitchen. Kevin was carrying a rather large bag of equipment that must have been for making the snacks. And over the weekend he had told me to buy some equipment too, so I had stored everything I bought inside of my kitchen.

Kevin only mumbled in a flat tone, "..good."

Huh.. it wasn't really like him not to say something sarcastic as he usually would. But—hey. It was better than him seeming annoyed all the time.

"Anyway.. why don't we go ahead and get started..?"

"Heh.. not even gonna help me carry all of this?"

"Dude—I'm not even that strong.. I don't see how I'd be able to carry it."

"Well, I mean—I was able to."

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