4: Officially A Member!

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The room went silent. One by one, the four boys in the room slowly stared back at me with surprised eyes. Radford had even stopped eating his chips, and stared with his mouth practically full of them. Gulping, I continued.

"Look—Radford just dragged me here for a visit. I didn't say I'd ever.."

I trail off. The eyes of the men in the room slowly become more dejected and soft with sadness.

"Oh.." Ethan muttered, glancing down at the floor as his eyes became half-lidded with dissapointment.

Rick stayed quiet, slowly glancing down at his lap.

"Mmm.." Kevin grumbled, slowly folding his arms over the other into a crossing manner—his irritated eyes staring back at me with disappointment and his lips curled into a stern frown.

"Dude.." Radford practically whined, visibly saddened.

I—god, I just couldn't say no to any of them. It hurt my heart to make these oddly handsome boys sad. I couldn't help but feel like punching myself for even thinking such a thing. After a moment, I let out a sigh.

Pressing my palm against my face, I began to speak with a minor flush on my cheeks. "..okay, fi—fine. I'll—I'll join the club, but I don't think I'll—"

I trail off again. Their eyes slowly lit up as they glanced in my direction, and before I knew it, Radford had quickly crawled up to me where I was sitting and pulled me into a tight hug. His speech muffled by the chips he was still eating, he began to cheer excitedly. "Aghhh! Thank you, dude!"

I found myself stiffening in his embrace, my shoulders rising as my face became more warm. "Wha—hey!"

"..cool." Rick only uttered in reply to my exasperated agreement to join the club, watching calmly from the side of the table he sat at as I continued to struggle in Radfords arms.

"Geez.. don't scare me like that again." Kevin mumbled with irritation in his voice. "I would have been pissed if you just came for the snacks or something."

"Oh, good.." Ethan smiled warmly still. As he watched, I finally managed to struggle out of Radfords embrace—I could feel Radford staring down at me with that giddy smile of his, and my face only became warmer with redness. "Geez.." I grunted, crossing my arms and looking away.

"Well, with that.. it's settled. Welcome to the club." Ethan said, his voice as calm as the rippling waters of a river. It was weirdly calming just to listen to.

I smiled sheepishly at him, glancing upward with a bead of sweat forming on my face. Ethan then clasped his hands together, beginning to speak in a voice that was clearly addressed to everyone.

"Alright, everyone—I know it was pretty quick, but we can probably wrap up tonight's meeting since we have that little assignment I gave everyone to do. I'm sure tomorrow nights meeting will be a lot longer, so no need to worry about it." Ethan then looked over at me—that thin line of a calm smile still on his face. "I'm sure we'll all do pretty great even if we decide on movie recommendations or just our own scripts. And I'm sure you'll do good too.."

Noticing he was talking to me, I laughed nervously. "..th—thanks, Ethan."

Was I really about to spend every night after my shift going to this little movie club at my friend's work just to spend time with all these oddly attractive boys? I couldn't exactly help it. I always wanted a boyfriend, so.. damnit, it was hard to really resist.

We all continued to chatter for a bit despite the meeting being over, and stood up from our spots at the table. Rick unplugged the fairy lights guarded around the lines of the roof, and before I knew it, the room had completely darkened—but had been still fairly lit up because Ethan had slightly opened the door and let a crack of seeping light flowing through. Kevin cleaned up the snacks, or just put some of them back into his bag.

Doki Doki Movie Club! - A SM AU Fanfiction!Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ