12: A Fight in The Movie Club!

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I let out a sigh. I had managed to share my script with basically everyone about now, but I still couldn't help but feel a little stressed about it. I felt my mind become foggy with something I couldn't describe as I stood slumped over with my shoulders lowered, and the weight of how everyone responded to my script hit me like a hard truck.

This was a movie club. Even if they weren't professionals, I could still tell they meant business. I felt like a little dog in a pack full of wolves at this point with how much better they all seemed to be at script-writing than I was. I was wondering how I was gonna even keep up with them for however long I'd be here in this club.

My thoughts drift away from that as I glance around the room. Radford appears to be sitting at the table in the center of the room with Ethan, rambling to him about something. Meanwhile, in the corner of the room, Kevin and Rick look to be exchanging scripts. I guess they hadn't shared with eachother yet.

As I watch them, their expressions appear to slowly start changing. Rick's brow shifts upward into a look of confusion as his eyes scan across Kevin's paper. And Kevin only starts to squint at the words along Rick's page, mumbling to himself in a weirdly grumbly but quiet tone.

"..what's this supposed to mean?" Kevin mumbled.

"..did you say something?" Rick looks upwards from Kevin's paper, his question lingering in the air with his monotone voice.

"Uh.. no. Sorry." Kevin's eyes widened as he realized he must have said that out loud, and he sheepishly glances away in slight shame.

Kevin then slowly hands the paper back over to Rick, crossing his arms as his eyes become half-lidded with exhaustion. "Well.. its.. a little weird. But it's nice, I guess."

"..thanks." Rick replies. He then lifts his hand upward, and hands Kevin's paper back over to him with a blank expression on his face. "I.. don't really know what to say about yours." Bluntly, Rick stated.

"You—don't know what to say?" Kevin arches a brow, a frown appearing on his lips. For a moment, he looks almost offended.

"Well.. no. I'm—" Rick pauses, scratching the back of his head. "—not really the type of person who gives feedback that often. Sorry."

Kevin's stare only lingers on Rick's face, before transforming into a stern glare. He sighs, clearly not really believing Rick's excuse. "..its.. fine. But.. the script is about other people putting you down because they don't understand your interests or hobbies. I don't think it's really that hard to understand."

"..oh." Rick utters. "..well, I know. I just didn't know what to say about it.."

Kevin's glare becomes almost harsher, his brows furrowing. But he holds it back again with another sigh. "I—how do you not know what to say about it? I saw you giving feedback to other people. Why's it different for me?"

Rick's eyes widen momentarily. Looking away, he responds awkwardly, not really expecting such genuine frustration on Kevin's part. "I don't know. I'm just not really used to your type of writing style, I guess. If you want, I can give you some suggestions.."

Kevin clicks his tongue. "Dude, I don't really need any suggestions if you don't like it. If I wanted any, I would have asked for some from Radford or from that new member over there.. they both seemed to like it." He gestures to me with his palm, his lips curled into a tight frown. My eyes widen a little in curiosity as I realize he was talking about me, but I can't help but continue listening.

After a bit of silence, he presses his palm against his face with a long sigh. "But.. I guess I can give you suggestions about your script.. even though you didn't bother to say anything about mine. I—"

Doki Doki Movie Club! - A SM AU Fanfiction!Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu