52: Waaaaªtching Movies with Rick!

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Rick had gone off to presumably collect the drinks and the popcorn as promised, and as of now, I had been sitting in the area next to the door. I had my arms wrapped around my legs as I waited for him, burying my face into my knees. Honestly, I was starting to wonder how long he'd take. And my thoughts were beginning to wonder to everything I saw last night anyway.

But as always—before such thoughts could form, I heard a voice speak and I lifted my head once I processed how close it was.

"Did.. Rick leave you here or something?"

It was only Ethan, calmly frowning down at me with a slight tilt of his head.

I paused for a moment, before letting out a sigh. "..n—no.. we were just gonna watch something together. He went to go grab some snacks for us."

"Oh, I see.." He says—his tone still steady.

"..how come you knew about that..?"

"I have my ways." Ethan answered vaguely. "I'll leave you alone now if that's all it is though. Sorry I interrupted you.."


More than fifteen minutes pass, and I begin to worry, tapping my fingers against my knees. I press my other hand against my cheek. It shouldn't take this long just to grab snacks, unless he was like lost or something. I let out a sigh, and glance to the door slowly.

My lips are still formed into a frown, and as I stare at the door, the frown deepens a little. After a few moments, I lift myself up with my feet, dusting my legs off as I do so.

I guess I didn't really have any choice other than to look for him..


I begin to wonder through the corridor, and then to the main lobby where the counter is so I could check the snack area. But even when I get there, I see no sign of Rick's presence anywhere. I feel like I can hear some kind of muffled sound, but I just can't make out what the sound even is as I walk in. It sounds like.. beeping or buzzing maybe. Maybe it was just one of the technical objects around this place.

I let out a sigh, and clutch at my forehead. He didn't wonder off somewhere or anything, did he? Surely he wouldn't have. He's been in a club here for a fair amount of time. It was impossible for him to not know his way around here.

As I was filled with only the company of my anxious thoughts, I heard a peculiar sound.


It.. sounded like breathing, or masculine panting. I looked in the direction of the sound, arching a brow. What was that..?


I heard the noise again. It.. sounded like it was coming from the corridor somewhere. From the dark shadows of the long, narrow corridor. I frowned, gulping a little. It was probably Rick or Kevin or someone else. It was stupid to think it could have been some kind of intruder. But.. something screamed at me that whoever it was, something was still bad about it anyway.

I began to walk foward toward the hall, and then into the darkness, letting the shadows shroud my figure as I did so. As I wondered inside, I could barely see anything. Only a few doors. A few closets. And the floor beneath me. All the lights were off. And the air was suddenly quite humid.

I began to think of whether or not this had been a good idea. But then the sound erupted again, this time sounding closer.


They.. whoever it was, they sounded as if they were crying or whimpering from pain of some sort. Concern started to fill my brain more than the presence of fear, and I glanced around. I felt myself wanting to say 'hello', like I was in some kind of dumb horror movie. But it probably wasn't a good idea to say something like that if it was someone dangerous.

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