68: A Club Meeting Finished!

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Walking rather proudly with the bag in hand, Kevin slowly sat himself down onto the rug once he got close enough to the table, his legs crossing over eachother. "Alright.. lets see here.."

Kevin slowly slipped a hand inside of the bag, and from out of the bag, he began to pull different items out. Chips like doritos or cheetos, a whole bag filled with chocolate kisses wrapped in tinfoil fabric, anything you'd basically see at a party or something. Though with everything Kevin pulled out, Radfords grin seemed to grow even more.

"Dude! You brought chips?!" Radford excitedly questioned, shaking his fists. "Thats so cool, dude!"

"..heh.. wow.. thanks.." I said—laughing nervously.

Kevin only rolled his eyes playfully at Radfords excitement, smiling. "Well, I figured it'd be good to gave some with you around, Radford."

As he said that, Radford eagerly reached his hand foward to one of the chip bags, and gripped it in his hand—pulling it toward himself before proceeding to excitedly open it. Still feeling a little out of place, I reach my hand toward the bag of chocolate kisses, and after a few seconds of tearing—I manage to open it. I put my hand inside the bag, and slowly grabbed a chocolate kiss within my fingers, still wrapped in tinfoil.

In the corner of my eye, I could have sworn I saw Kevin sneaking glances in my direction. Maybe he was trying to see what kind of reaction I'd have to the snacks? Either way, I slowly open the fabric, and throw the kiss inside my mouth.

The moment I bit down—a gentle explosion of chocolate flavor filled my taste buds. My eyes felt like they were practically lighting up the moment I felt it grace my tongue.

"Heh.. this is pretty good. Thanks for the snacks, Kevin." I said after managing to swallow the kiss down.

Kevin arched a brow, before letting his eyes drift to the side. His brows furrowed as he talked. "Don't—don't worry about it. It's not like it's anything special.."

"Well.. it kinda is. You got this for me since Radford told you I was—"

"Okay—maybe. But.. still. It's not like it's anything extravagant or anything. Don't worry about it too much.." Kevin crossed his arms, turning his head with a minor frown gracing his lips. I couldn't tell if he was just being sheepish or if was actually annoyed.

Still, with an arched brow and a minor shrug, I continued to eat the chocolate kisses Kevin had brought. Did he always act like this?

Oh well, it didn't matter. I only continued to sit, and watched as Rick finally turned with a bag of his own in his hand, the bottles of soda inside slightly see-through with how translucent the bag was.

Rick calmly walks over to the table, carrying the translucent bag filled with medium-sized soda bottles inside. He then places it on top of the table before slowly getting down on his knees, and begins to slowly pull out different brands of soda from inside. Though the moment he sets a Pepsi in front of me, I can't help but nervously smile a little, sheepishly chuckling.

"Geez.. thats a lotta soda's." The awkward sentence practically leaves my mouth, making Rick slowly glance in my direction.

"Yeah, it is. You were coming, so I brought as much as I could." Rick bluntly replied, still blankly staring at me from across the table as he sat near Kevin.

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