44: Øfficially A Member!

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"I didn't really ever say I'd join this club.."

The moment after I said that, silence followed—awkwardly filling the room. I gulped nervously, scratching the side of my head, "I—I know Ethan said I was a guest and all, but I just came to visit. I wasn't gonna join the club or anything.. so.."

I trail off—noticing the boys expressions visibly become dejected.

"..oh.." Ethan looks off to the side, frowning.

Rick stayed quiet, slowly glancing down at his lap.

"Mmm.." Kevin grumbled, slowly folding his arms over the other into a crossing manner—his irritated eyes staring back at me with disappointment and his lips curled into a stern frown.

"Well.. I'm—sorry I didn't tell you this while I was taking you here, but.." Ethan speaks reluctantly, looking off to the side with a saddened expression still. "The manager here isn't really gonna let us stay here any longer if we don't get a new member soon. He thinks that because it's only three of us, we're just using it as an excuse to have some free place to hang out. And.. I thought maybe taking you here would make you join, so.."

I.. god, I just couldn't say no to any of them. It hurt my heart to make these oddly handsome boys sad. I couldn't help but feel like punching myself for even thinking such a thing. After a moment, I let out a sigh.

Pressing my palm against my face, I began to speak with a minor flush on my cheeks and a frown upon my lips. "..okay, fi—fine. I'll—I'll join the club, but I don't think I'll be really.."

One by one—their expressions all seem to light up.

"Wait, really..?"  Ethan asks—his tone quickly becoming. "Oh, thank goodness. I was starting to think that.."

"..cool." Rick only uttered in reply to my exasperated agreement to join the club, watching calmly from the side of the table he sat at.

"Geez.. don't scare me like that again." Kevin mumbled with irritation in his voice. "I would have been pissed if you just left after all of that."

Ethan only let's out a sigh, and leans toward me with a soft smile on his lips. "..well.. thanks for changing your mind, man. And don't worry.. I'll be sure to make every night here as fun as I can for you. Hell, I'll even pick you up from work every night if I have to.."

"Heh.. no need for that. But.. you're welcome." I say with a lop-sided smile, laughing nervously.

Ethan only calmly smiles at me again, before turning to face everyone—simply clasping his hands together.

"Alright, everyone—I know it was pretty quick, but we can probably wrap up tonight's meeting since we have that little assignment I gave everyone to do. I'm sure tomorrow nights meeting will be a lot longer, so no need to worry about it." Ethan then looked over at me—that thin line of a calm smile still on his face. "I'm sure we'll all do pretty great even if we decide on movie recommendations or just our own scripts. And I'm sure you'll do good too.."

Noticing he was talking to me, I laughed nervously. "..th—thanks, Ethan."

Was I really about to spend every night after my shift going to this little movie club just to spend time with all these oddly attractive boys? I couldn't exactly help it. I always wanted a boyfriend, so.. damnit, it was hard to really resist.

We all continued to chatter for a bit despite the meeting being over, and stood up from our spots at the table. Rick unplugged the fairy lights guarded around the lines of the roof, and before I knew it, the room had completely darkened—but had been still fairly lit up because Ethan had slightly opened the door and let a crack of seeping light flowing through. Kevin cleaned up the snacks, or just put some of them back into his bag.

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