9: Sharing with Kevin! PT 0.1

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As we stand in the midst of the club-room, Kevin's eyes scan over my paper, reading the lines across it. I can't help but feel a little anxious as I just stand there in front of him, wondering what on earth he could possibly be thinking. Was trying to impress him a bad decision or something? He seemed like kind of hard guy to impress at all, but still..

As he continues to read, his mouth starts to hang open a little, and his eyes even seem to shine with something that was as bright as the sun. Though once he finishes reading, he lowers the paper, and slowly hands it back to me before crossing his arms. "Well, it could be better.." He grumbles while looking away, his cheeks darkening with a faint color I couldn't recognize under the darkness of the tiny club-room.

"Huh? What do you mean?" I can't help but ask, not understanding what exactly was wrong with it.

"Well, it's just.." Kevin looks over to me, before going silent again. His cheeks then seem to darken a little bit more, and quickly looks away. "Nevermind.. I probably shouldn't be giving you my opinion when we've only just started this."

"Isn't that the point of sharing in the first place though?.." I ask under my breath, though the moment Kevin shoots a glare at me with his brows skeptically furrowed, I gulp—realizing I must have said it out loud.

Still, I continue speaking. "I—I just wanna make you and Rick feel more comfy sharing your stuff. I don't wanna make you feel angry or something because I didn't even bother to share you anything or even try to help you."

"Oh my—man, it's not your responsibility to do that kinda thing. I thought you were just gonna go ahead and show me some we script that I could give some critique on and maybe help you out with, but I guess I can't now.." Kevin practically pouted as he said that, gesturing with his hands in a irritated manner.

"..you.. wanted to help me out on my script? Why?"

Kevin's eyes widen at my question, and his ears begin to darken a little along with his cheeks and the center of his face. His lips draw back into a snarl, and he quickly snaps back. "Ye—Yeah.. but its not like it's a big deal or anything. Just.. nngh.."

Kevin can't seem to finish his sentence. Did he really feel that ashamed of wanting to help me out? It felt almost like he hated me or something.

Wanting to change the subject to avoid him any more uncomfortable or frustrated than he already was, I decided to change the topic of conversation. "Well.. do you wanna share your script or.. movie recommendations now?"

"..yeah, sure. Whatever.." Kevin mumbles, slowly slipping out his paper from his hand, and reaching it foward. Arching my brow a little, I take a step foward, and take it in my hands, and I begin to read over it.



Kevin's eyes quickly scan over the paper. It's hard to tell if he likes it or not, but the more little his expression changes, the more my hope of maybe him liking what I wrote down quickly fades away. The only changes in his expression appear to be his eyes becoming more stern than they already were, or his frown becoming more apparent on his slim face.

Finally, after a while, Kevin looks up from the paper and reaches his arm foward for me to take it. As I take it back, he doesn't really answer.

"..well?" I ask, feeling sweat form on the side of my head.

"..dude, c'mon. You can do better than this." Kevin says monotonely, looking on at me with dissapointment.

"Wha—" I defensively try to say something, but quickly give up, knowing by the look on Kevin's face I was probably in for a real lecture this time. I let out a minorly frustrated sigh, but that's enough to make Kevin's expression grow even more stern.

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