59: Only Ethan.

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Sorry about that.. let's just share scripts now. :)


Kevin's eyes quietly scanned over my script that he held in his hands, gripping onto it. I only watched with my arms crossed—and occasionally, I found my eyes falling to the floor every few seconds or so. Kevin held a simple frown upon his face as the minutes went by, leaving us hanging in the slightly more humid air of the club-room.

After a few more minutes, Kevin lifted his head with a sigh—handing my paper back over to me. "Well.. its alright."

"..huh? Al—Alright?"

"Yeah.. its not that good, but it's at least better than last nights." Kevin shrugs. "I'd say you're improving a little—even if you're being a bit.. slow at that."


"Ugh.. don't pout about it." Kevin rolls his eyes. "Look, I'm just saying.. you—you gotta work hard on these at least."

"But, I am—"

"How can I believe that when you basically spend no time with anyone other than Rick? You're probably just writing for him at this point.." Kevin says, his lips drawing back into a snarl. After a moment of silence, he then adds—"..look, just.. work hard, okay? I know we aren't like a professional group or something, but that doesn't mean you can't take this seriously. We all deserve some respect around here."

I try to reply—but I'm not really sure what else I can say to convince him that I was taking them seriously, and that I was trying. It was a bit hard to write lately, considering..

I only gave a defeated sigh, my shoulders slumping down. There was no point in arguing, so I uttered, "..okay.."

"..good." Kevin mumbles. He then looks down at the paper he has in his hands, his eyes widening—his pupils dart across the room, as if searching for something. They dart in different directions, from the left, and to the right. For a moment, his eyes fall upon Rick who is waiting in a corner—and then upon Ethan who is simply minding his own business.

He then takes a step foward, leaning his head.. weirdly close. I took a step back instinctively, but for whatever reason—I felt his hand grip my arm and then pull me back.

"He—Hey, what are you—"

"Shh...!" Kevin harshly shushes. He then stares down at my slightly startled face, before letting out a sigh—his breath pouring onto my skin. "..listen, I.. I need you to read this script, okay? It's really important. Like—really important. I know it sounds stupid, but just.. trust me, okay?"

His script? Important? What did that possibly mean?

I arched a brow. "..wha—what do you—"

"Just—just read it!" Kevin whispered back harshly, practically shoving his arms foward as he then forced the paper into my hands.

I yelped softly, saying in an exasperated manner, "Ok—Okay! Okay.. ugh.."

Jeez.. what was him? It was only a script. Why would it be this important? Was it like a secret or something? My eyes fell to the lines on the pages, and began to read—but I felt my mouth starting to slowly hang open as I processed the written words on the page.

"I.. really don't know why I'm doing this. But with the way things are going—it's not like I really have a choice. If I had your number or something, I would have talked to you about this a while ago. Believe me, I would have."

"I'm writing this to talk to you about.. Rick. Rick hasn't really been.. like the way he is now until you joined this club. I mean, he was always really monotone and quiet and was actually a pretty nice guy once you got to know him. But now that you're here, it's like he's suddenly become a different person. He's never even yelled at me before or even raised his voice at me until you decided to come here."

"It's not like it's your fault or anything. I'd understand if you felt uncomfortable with how he is and all. If I was in your shoes, I would too. I know I haven't really been the nicest person to you here, and I'm—sorry if I said things I shouldn't have. I don't even know why, but I've been feeling things just come out of my mouth that I wouldn't normally say."

"Okay.. I.. I know you might not want to, and I'd understand if you don't, but I really need you to help out here. Rick clearly isn't in the right state of mind right now. I'd talk to him myself, but he doesn't even seem like he'd listen to me, or to Ethan. If.. Ethan even bothered to do anything about this at all instead of acting like it's no big deal. I don't know what you can do, but he seems to listen to you more, so maybe you could convince him to find a therapist or a psychiatrist. Or.. whatever."

"Look, I really need you to do this. I'll do anything for you if it makes you just do any of what I'm asking you to do. I'll give you free candy or something. Just don't let me down. Please. Im counting on you."

..I slowly lift my head up from the page. I let my eyes drift to Kevin, who's waiting with a slightly impatient frown as he anxiously taps his arm with his finger. I.. knew what my answer would be. But I wasn't sure how to answer in a way so no one nearby would understand what I was saying.

I glanced around for a moment, and opened my moooooŭ

..something felt different.

I hadn't known what. It felt like something happened. I felt my eyes look to the floor. Nothing had changed. So.. why did things feel weird..?

The ambience stopped. I couldn't hear anything. Nervously, I looked up at Kevin again.

And then I saw it.

His eyes—his pupils weren't.. present inside. Like his eyes were completely white. Or.. red. They appeared almost as if they were reddened. I felt my eyes drift toward his lips.

There.. wasn't anything there. Only a space of skin. His mouth was.. gone.

Yet somehow then—as my heart began to beat anxiously, he spoke.

"..don't worry about what you just read." Kevin's voice spoke—sounding low and abnormally steady, some kind of.. lower undertone speaking at the same time.

I stammered. "..wh—what?"

"You don't have to do anything about this." Kevin's disembodied voice said yet again. "You really don't. Rick's problems are his own. Nobody needs to take responsibility for his issues. Its his fault that he is the way he is. You can see all of this.. right? I'm sure you understand that enough."

"Ke—Ke—" I felt the word caught in my throat. I tried to look to the other side to where Ethan was, but I felt something grip my chin, and force me to look back at Kevin's face.

"If you had only spent time with Ethan in the first place.. none of this would be happening. You understand that, right?" Kevin's voice spoke—his hand firmly gripping my chin from underneath my face. I winced.


"You don't need to think about me. Or Rick. Or anyone else. Nothing else is worth thinking about. Nobody else is worth spending time with. Just spend time with Ethan from now on. He's the only one here who understands you."


"Just be with Ethan. Only Ethan. No one else. Only Ethan. Only Ethan. Only Ethan. Onlyyyyyyy

Only Ethan.

Only Ethan.

Only Ethan.


Only Ethan. :)

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