51: Another Night At The Clubbɓ

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"I'm sorry.. I'm sorry.. I'm sorry.."

As me and Ethan slowly walk in, I hear Rick's voice mumbling that over and over again quietly—becoming more fragile as it was becoming harder to believe such words the more he said it. My eyes flickered toward where I saw the source of his voice, and there he was—standing in the same spot he had previously, with his head bowed, and his fists clenched.

I gulped at the sight of him. He kept repeatedly mumbling to himself. Trying to fill the silence with the occasional muttering of his voice, I spoke his name. "..Rick..?"

"..I.." Rick slowly looked in my direction—his normally calm eyes now wide as ever as he went completely silent. Just what on earth happened while me and Ethan were waiting outside..? What did he say or do to him that made him so upset..?

"..please.. I.. I'm not normally like this." Rick murmured as he finally turned to face me. "I don't know whats up with me today. Somethings wrong with my head.."

"Rick.." Ethan says cautiously, taking a step foward. "..its fine. I'm sure whatever you did, you didn't mean it. I'm sure Kevin won't remember any of this by tomorrow anyway.. he's usually the type to forget things as soon as they happened."

"..." Rick remains silent, his eyes only staring at Ethan.

"Well.. the meeting was already kinda over anyway—at least I was gonna say it was over until you two started fighting." Ethan says. "So you can go ahead and leave now if you want to."

Rick pauses. He looks at me for a moment, before looking at Ethan. "..I.. think you should go first, Ethan. I wanna stay here a bit more."

"Mmm.. well, I'm the President. So I think I should be the last one out. I'll wait for you to be done with whatever you're doing if you want though."

Rick pauses again. "I'm.. well.. I'm the Vice President, so.. I think I have a right to stay in here a bit longer."

"..do you not want me to see something, Rick..?"

"..its not that. I just wanna talk to the new member. I don't really like having other people listening in on my conversations."

Ethan frowns, before letting out a sigh. "..alright. It's not like you've really given me a choice anyway."



I leaned foward in my chair, which I had been doing for the past few minutes now. The sky outside of my house was already dark by now, and the only thing that accompanies me was the thoughts of who to impress or what I should write in order to impress one of them.

I had to think.. think, think, think. Not of what happened tonight. Just of what could make a good script.

..an idea then entered my head. Swiftly, I leaned foward again, and began to rapidly write on the thin sheet of paper that laid before me on the smooth surface of the deeeeeeeeee










Doki Doki Movie Club! - A SM AU Fanfiction!Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora