41: Everything is going to be okay. :)

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Well.. its the day of the festival. I can't help but wonder just how things are gonna go now that the long awaited day has come. As I drive in my vehicle, I let out a sigh. Radford hadn't been answering my texts. I figured he must have been tired or something when I came to pick him up this morning, so I decided to drive off without him. He was a pretty late sleeper, so he'd wake up eventually.

The festival preparations were likely done by now though. I was bringing what I had been told to bring over the weekend by the one who helped me—and as of now, it was in the back of my trunk as I drove.

In all honesty, I actually couldn't wait. I couldn't wait to spend time with Rick, Kevin.. Radford.. and Ethan. It'd be fun to see how this was gonna turn out after waiting so long for it to happen. I don't think I had ever actually been this excited for an event before.

Seeing the sky gradually become darker as I drove to the theater, I continued on and waved the exhilarated thoughts off of my mind. I couldnt be late now, after all.


"Oh, hey!" Ethan said in a friendly manner as I slowly walked in through the door, smiling at me. He seemingly had been preparing little booklets that must have been for the festival as he sat at the center-table in the middle of the room. As he saw me walk in, he arched a brow. "You're early today.."

"Yeah.. I guess I am. Am.. I the first one here?"

"Well, not counting me.. I guess you could say you are."

I had found a script online of my own that I could perform earlier, so I was pretty much covered for the festival. That being said, I was still pretty anxious about it.

Ethan then finally asked curiously, "..hey, where's Radford?"

"..huh? Oh.. I'm not really sure. He wasn't answering my texts at all this morning. I guess he must have overslept or something."

I feel something sharp strike into my chest at just the memory of what happened yesterday. Of what he told me. It was probably pretty hard for him to get out of bed everyday if he was that paranoid of everything. Maybe I should have gone into his house this morning after all?

"Heh.." Ethan let out a simple laugh, turning back to the booklet on the table. "You know, you should really try helping him out more.. after all, considering your little talk with him yesterday.. it'd be a shame if you left him hangin' like that."

"Little talk..? Wait, how do you—"

"I have my ways." Ethan shrugged. "Don't worry about it."

"..mmm.." I grumble to myself, frowning. Did Radford tell Ethan everything that happened yesterday? If so, that was kinda quick.

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