64: Together Forever. <3

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"..ah.. sorry about that.. the chapter just ended there on its own. Anyway.." Ethan continues with a laugh. I hadn't been sure what he was talking about. I only blinked, and yet he said that.. but I wasn't sure of what he was talking about anymore at all. I didn't even know what he meant.

I didn't even know what I meant. Or what any of this meant.

What.. was I—if this was all a story? Was I meant for anything at all if it was all a story? What purpose did I have?

"..I don't think it's really possible you didn't know. Ha.." Ethan says with a slight smirk, pressing a hand against his cheek as he tilts his head to the side. "I mean.. after all, you do know what Doki Doki Literature Club is, right? You wouldn't have clicked on this if you didn't. I was put in the role of Monika anyway, so of course I knew that this was all only some story."

He then let out a small sigh. "..oh well. It's not really like that matters anyway. I.. don't think I really need to talk to you about happened with Rick. He was gonna go crazy like he was supposed to in the original story, but.. since you were here and came here for some good ol' entertainment, I figured it'd be nice to put on a good show for you. So I.. ended up messing with things a little more than I was supposed to, and made him crazier. And the same thing also kinda happened with Radford.."

..Radford..? Rick..?

"Hah.. yeah. Been a while since you heard that, right? Or.. as Monika would say in this part—'Gosh, it's been a while since you heard that name, hasn't it?'." Ethan speaks in a slightly mocking tone, pressing a hand against his chest with a falsely surprised face—before letting out another chuckle.

"But.. yeah. I did the same thing with him too. He was supposed to be depressed. But.. admittedly, even though he wasn't real, I felt kinda bad at first. So I tried changing things up a bit so he wouldn't feel that way. I ended up just amplifying some of his anxiety and lessened his depression and stuff.. but.. somehow, he ended up trying to kill himself anyway." He sighed.

"I wasn't sure what to do—it's not like I really had any choice but to tell him to do it. That's what I was supposed to do in the original story anyway. And.. I guess when I saw him about to hang himself, I panicked a little and tried stopping him even though I knew there wasn't any point. But I ended up knocking him down a bit too hard, and he hit his head so badly that he broke something in his skull, and.. heh.. I guess died there." He forced a weak chuckle.

"I.. really did feel bad though. Even if he wasn't real. But I ended up getting over it after a while—when I decided to just.. get rid of him. Like I was meant to. And.. well, after he stopped existing, I just went along with what I was meant to do in the first place. But then I got the idea to mess with things a bit—so you'd get a good show. I didn't want it to be exactly the same and have you get all bored.. so I tried making things go a bit crazier." He said with a simple shrug, smirking.

"It was really infuriating to just never be able to talk to you though. Rick basically kept ripping you away from me every chance he could. Radford kept making the person that was supposed to be your vessel more and more worried. And Kevin was basically just a territorial asshole.." Ethan said with a rough exhale.

"But.. hey, thats how it was supposed to go. And since I was patient enough to put up with it, you got a good show. I.. can't really tell what you thought of it from here, but judging from how you've kept reading this, I'd assume you probably enjoyed it. It's nice to know I made someone like you happy.." He laughed softly with a smirk.

"Still.. now that I know I'm a character in some show.. where no one has free will, and now that I'm a character in this.. in this story.. I've been really—conflicted." Ethan said with a frown, looking down at the table and clasping his hands together. "This whole thing has left me just feeling generally lost. Like—Like no matter who I talk to, they won't ever understand the way this feels. I even feel like.. you wouldn't understand. Not like I blame you for not understanding though.."

"You're here now though. I don't really need anything else when I have you. You're a real person. You'd understand reality better than anyone else. You'd be my escape in this reality filled with—with no free will at all. You have free will, and thoughts of your own, and other people you know." He reaches his hand out with a soft look in his eyes, and a gentle smile, but he stops—and his expression of happiness falters. "I love everything about you—even if I may not.. ever truly know who you are, since you can't talk back to me unless you comment or something."

Ethan then tilts his head to the side with a dreamy look filling his eyes yet again—pressing a hand against his cheek. "I love you more than anything else.. I don't really need to love anything else. I don't need to love Radford, or Kevin, or Rick, or anyone else. My friends—my family.. they never had any real feelings to begin with. So it's not like it really matters."

He hums—closing his eyes before opening them again. His eyes appear dreamy but, he widens them a little as his grin grows a little more than it should. "You're lovely.. and you're everything I could ever need.." He sighs, his face calming down. "I'm sorry you had to read some pretty disturbing stuff. I know you'll get over it, since it's just some story you read online and all. But I really hated having to put you through that, not being sure if some things would be too horrifying for you to read or not. I'd feel awful if I made you feel that way."

"And.. with that.. I think I have to tell you something." He says—gently smiling at me again, a red flush filling his cheeks. "..I love you. I love you—even if I won't ever really be able to talk to you or know anything about you. You're my hope in this world.. just by existing and being here with me. I want to be with you everyday from now on. So.. do you want to be my boyfriend, or.. girlfriend.. or.. partner..? Well.. whatever you want to be."


"Hah.. that makes me really happy, man." Ethan says with a delighted grin. The word was practically forced out of my mouth—'yes'. I hadn't even known why I had said that.

"You're better than anything else could ever be. I'm gonna be with you now.. forever. There's no point in bringing anything back when I have you. When I love you this much." He grins. "Ah.. I don't even need to worry about telling you how the story wouldn't let me have an ending of my own, do I? I'm sure you already know.. considering you probably know what game this story is based on after all."

"I don't think I even need to tell you how I got rid of Kevin and Rick.. since that'd be the part of the story where you'd figure out how to get rid of me. But.. at the same time, I don't need to worry about you getting rid of me either. You'd have to write me out of this story in order to get rid of me. And.. well.. this isn't your story.. so you don't have the power to do that. And you don't really have access to writing in it like I do, considering I'm a character and all.." He chuckles softly. "..so.. sorry if you were hoping you would. But I'm sure you'd be too sweet to be hoping for that, right? Hahah.."

"I kinda wanna write something about this. Not like a script or anything. An actual poem. Since I said I'd be doing that. I got into that just for you.. so I'd be able to show you something. I couldn't do a fancy little piano song since this is a story, and you wouldn't be able to hear anything. So I chose poetry.." He laughs softly. "..mm.. you mean a lot to me, love. I wonder though.. maybe I could try seeing if you could still write something of your own? I could.. mess with things a little if you don't wanna write a script. So.. heh.. hold on.. let me just set this up.."

He tilts his head to the side as my vision begins to darken. "Give this a second. The chapter might end here though—since I'm starting to feel like it will.. if it does, sorry. You'll probably see it next chapter. Hahah.."

My vision then faded to black—and..


I felt something slip into my hand. Something long and thin and cold..

A pen. And before I knew it, my vision faded back. A paper laid before me on.. nothing. It was only a white void that I was in, with occasional flashes of red and lines of text.

I wasn't sure what was going on. Or how to process any of this. But I didn't have time to think about that, for my hand then began to move on its own, and wrote away at the page.

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