57: Mysterious Behavior.

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Rick then slowly leaves the club-room—a little slower than he'd normally walk. And as he exits the door, Ethan's eyes trailed after him—a small smile still being on his lips. Before Rick then finally vanishes into the corridor behind the door.

Ethan let's out a sigh, finally turning toward me. "Sorry about.. all that. Things have been a bit crazy recently."

"It's.. fine."  I replied hesitantly.

"It's—It's not your fault, y'know?" Ethan said back rather quickly, "Nothing that's happened here has been your fault. I'll.. admit, I'm the President, so I should probably maybe be doing a little more. I don't wanna see you having a bad time here."

"..I'm.." I paused. "I'm not.. having a bad time. I don't really know why things have been crazy either, but.."

Ethan lifts his head up slowly, staring at the ceiling. It felt as if he wasn't really absorbing anything I was saying. I felt myself go silent as he let out a sigh. "..listen, I know Kevin and Rick can be.. weird. But I promise you they don't really mean anything by what they're doing. Kevin can just be kinda mean sometimes—and Rick can be a bit.. mm.." He looks to the side nervously. And then let's out a soft laugh, now staring back at me.

His face was starting to become a bit hard to read. Or.. see, actually. It felt like the room was getting darker now, but I just couldn't describe what was happening.

Ethan then tilts his head to the side with a smile still on his lips. "..y'know, with how everything is, I feel sometimes like you're the only real person here I can talk to. And that I'm the only real person you can talk to. You.. you know what I mean, right..?"

I paused, arching a brow. "..I.. guess so..?"

"Hahah.. you.. I really haven't been able to talk to you in all the time you've been here, have I? That is.. the few days you've been here, I mean." Ethan laughed—his chuckles starting to sound more like they were forced than anything. Though his laughter quickly died down, "..ah.. sorry. Didn't mean to say anything weird. I just wanted to talk to you about.. things. Things I know you'll understand. After all, you're—"

Ethan stopped talking, and looked upon me with wide eyes.

"Wai—wait.. shit.. I didn't realize that it was time to.. I forgot about this part, I'm sorry—"

Tapping my pen against the surface of my desk, I lean over with a weak frown on my lips as I try to think of what to write for tomorrow.

I.. begin to feel what happened at the club tonight enter my thoughts. And I pause, struggling to even move my pen. The.. the club had been a nice place to go to, considering everyone there was at least good to have as company. It's not like I had many friends anyway, so..

I felt an odd feeling in my chest, and for some reason, I felt my heard sharply turn toward my window. Of course, nothing was there but only the tree that was next to it, accompanied by the dark field of grass beneath its leaves.

..that was weird.

With exhaustion, I turned my head toward my paper, and began to write, trying to ignore the lingering feeling of anxiety I felt. Nothing was different outside. I'd be fine.


I entered the club-room with a sigh, opening the door slightly with my hand pressed against its frame. I felt my mouth hang open. I started to feel like coming here wasn't really an option anymore at this point. Yet still, I.. always chose to go.

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