Chapter 22

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How many times do I have to tell you
Even when you're crying you're beautiful too
The world is beating you down, I'm around through every mood....

~~ALL OF ME~~John legend



Al amin's P.O.V

"I need those files please, make sure you bring them tomorrow" Abba said while i responded with a nod.

"Yauwa ameenu you may leave but tell your mother to bring my medicines here" he ordered and I nodded again then walked out of the small living room, which was situated beside the study room.

I went straight to the staircase but immediately stopped dead in my tracks.

I saw Ruqayyah rolling over the stairs and only stopped when her head hit the white tiles. It all happened so quick that i stood there paralyzed. My mind and heart seemed to have stopped working. I wanted to move but I couldn't.

"RUQAYYAH!!" I heard yasmeen's voice boom throughout the house and that was when i gained my conscious back and ran towards her.

All i saw was blood. Blood everywhere. She laid there unconscious pool of blood. Blood blood blood....

"Innalillahi wa innailaihiraji'un" I slowly  whispered.

"Ruqayyah" I yelled sitting on my knees and keeping her head on my lap.

"Get up! Wake up!! Ruqayyah"

Yasmeen sat next to me holding Ruqayyah's hand as she sobbed uncontrollably. All the remaining people came rushing towards us but all stopped at once when they saw the blood.

"Faruq or Khalifah, bring your car" I yelled.

Umma and hajia mama gasped at the same time and sat next to us calling Ruqayyah's name.

"To Allah we belong and to him we shall return" They kept saying, simultaneously.

"Al amin pick her up and lets go" Abba said looking extremely shocked.

I held her in my arms and quickly walked out of the house to khalifah's car.

"Ya Allah! Khalifah accelerate the pace" I shouted. I felt like we were moving like a snail or turtle.

Once we reached the hospital, the doctors immediately took her to the Intensive care unit. After some minutes, the rest arrived. I still couldn't believe what just happened. I felt like my legs couldn't hold me any longer. So, i found a chair and sat, with my face buried in my hands, silently praying to Allah al raheem al kareem to save her


The doctors had been in the ICU for the past hour, without so much as muttering to us about her health. Nothing was confirmed. They said she had lost a lot of blood. I'd been in the same spot and every second that passed by was a second closer to the looming possibility of bad news and it terrified me like hell.

I felt a hand on my shoulder. I swallowed the lump that formed in my throat and lifted my head up. It was hajia mama and umma standing next to her.

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