Chapter 24

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Islahulkhair on the top!!👆🏾👆🏾

Chapters dedicated to all the readers of COH.💛

It's been one week, two days. I have been in this hellhole for freaking 9 good days, thats 216 hours. Please don't even ask me how i have been able to handle it because truth be told i haven't. I had missed 4 lectures. Gosh!

But Alhamdulillah. I'm released. I'm free. I'll be getting discharged today.


Yasmeen and al amin have always been in the hospital to give me company. I hate to admit this but whenever al amin didn't come i kind of find myself missing him. No, not missing... How do i say it?? Errr...errrrr.... Just forget it!

Albeit he's always been a pain in the ass, pestering me, doing this doing that but i'd still enjoyed his company. Mama, baba and yasmeen were here since morning. I just couldn't wait to get out of this place or rather cage.

It was already 4:30pm. My clothes were all packed and i was all ready to go. My grin grew bigger as i quickly rose on my feet when i saw baba coming. He was with the discharge letter.

"Yallah lets go" Baba pronounced and we nodded ready to leave.

A familiar cologne met my nostrils. And i immediately knew who the person was.

"Assalamu alaikum" Came his voice from behind baba. We all exchanged greetings before he announced that he was here to take yasmeen home since she wasn't with her car.

"Ah ah hajia mama is already preparing the iftar food, why don't we all go together?" Mama suggested.

Al amin opened his mouth i guess to protest but was quickly ceased by yasmeen "Yes, I was actually planning to follow you".

Mama smiled "Yauwa yasmeen, let us go"

Al amin offered to take the bag mama was holding and we all walked out. Once we were outside, Yasmeen dragged me by my arm towards al amin's black G-box.

"Lets enter his car" She whispered. I sighed deeply and opened the rear door but she quickly held my hand.

"Uh uh, front seat Milady" She said in a posh British accent.

I sighed again and hopped in. I swear it is just a total waste of time arguing with yasmeen,  she never gives up. 

Al amin got in the car too and started the engine, following baba's car.

"Sooo...." Yasmeen broke the tranquil silence.

"Soo?" Al amin said looking at her through the rear mirror.

"Come on, say something guys or turn on the music or... Anything you know i hate silence" Yasmeen babbled.

She sure does!

He shook his head and turned on the music. In no time, Romantic popped through the speakers. Yasmeen let out a squeal and al amin groaned, reaching for the 'next' button but she hastily stopped him and added the volume all the way up.

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