Chapter 43

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"Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to King Fahad international Airport. Local time is 12pm and the temperature is 28 degrees celsius. For your safety and comfort, please remain seated with your seat belt fastened until the Captain turns off the Fasten Seat Belt sign. This will indicate that we have parked at the gate and that it is safe for you to move about." Said the captain, in his thick Arab accent.

Al amin slowly tapped Ruqayyah's cheek, who had her head on his shoulder, sleeping soundly.

She groaned lightly and opened her eyes.

"We're here" He muttered with a smile.

"Already?" She looked through her window "I told you to wake me up before we land, i wanted to have a good look of Riyadh city and snap some pictures"

"I didn't want to wake you up, you were complaining about having a headache before we took off" He defended.

She sighed "Okay"

A week after their wedding, the couple decided to go on their honeymoon. They'd came to Saudi Arabia first to perform Umrah and thanks Allah (SWT) before they go to the other country, France. After spending five days in makkah, they decided to pay Al amin's Aunty  a visit to Riyadh, Aunty murja, whose husband is the current Ambassador to Saudi Arabia.

Al amin held out his hand to Ruqayyah to which she gladly took. Immediately they got out of the airport, a black man, clearing in his mid 30's, approached them.

"Assalamu alaikum Al amin" He shook al amin's hand and turned to face Ruqayyah "Assalamu alaikum madam, marhaba. Welcome"

"Wa Alaikumussalam" Ruqayyah replied with a small smile, looking around the place.

"Al amin you haven't visited Riyadh for almost two years now" The man said with a grin. Anytime Al amin visited riyadh, the man, Saleh, was the person that takes him from the airport and drives him anywhere he wants. He's Aunty murja's driver. He's also a Nigerian but a ghadim, he was born in Saudi, now married with two kids.

"Wallahi saleh i haven't got time to travel anywhere, work has been really hectic" Al amin spoke, as they approached the black BMW, which saleh had came with.

"Eyyah.. This is the new bride yeah?" He asked, referring to Ruqayyah.

Al amin nodded "Yes she is"

"Mashaa Allah.. Mashaa Allah tahniat ealaa hafl alzzifaf alkhass bik. May Allah keep you united" He prayed.

"Ameen thank you" Al amin thanked him and smiled. They all hopped in as saleh ignited the engine to life.

They drove to the diplomatic quarters; which serves as the home base for foreign embassies and diplomatic groups. The area is secured and serves as a sort of city.

They all alighted as soon as the car came to a halt, inside aunty murja's residence.

A young boy around 7 or 8years old came running towards them. He hugged al amin and squeaked "Ya Al amin"

"Hey adil, how are you?" He threw the boy in the air and caught him, making him giggle.

"I have been waiting for you since 8 in the morning" The kid's eyes landed on Ruqayyah, he immediately held out his hand "Hey Aunty"

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