Chapter 37

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Dedicated to:
salmahwachiko ❤️
MaryamGora 💘
RukayyaAbdullahi1 💕


I fidgeted on my spot as my eyes stared fixedly at my phone. My palms suddenly got sweaty as gazillion dragons parade in the pit of my stomach. By Allah, you do not want to know about my heartbeat.

I just came back from hajia mama's room to see three missed calls from Al amin. It's been four days since that whatchamacallit... a date??
And I hadn't heard from him, till today. Of course, Yasmeen was serious about me telling her everything. I had to literally fill her up without omission.

'I never thought my brother could be this romantic' She had said with a dreamy sigh.

Then came the begging and lecturing sessions. I had to lie about having a stomach pain before she decided to stop blabbering.

Apparently, that night, I had blew hot and cold between accepting or rejecting him, I couldn't even sleep. The next day, i called Ameela and told her everything hoping she could help me but soon i realized i'd made the biggest mistake of my life. She told me it was totally okay and even threatened to skin me alive if i dare turn him down. She nagged me with million of calls everyday asking if there was any hot new information. And to her great disappointment, the answer was always NO. Ya husna just told me to make a wise decision and follow my heart. I performed istakhara and i felt nothing but contentment and firmness in my heart. Praise be to Allah. Hence, I know what my decision is.

I was jolted out of my reverie by my phone ringtone. My heartbeat shot up as i saw the caller ID.

'Calm down. You can do it. Come on' The voice inside my head encouraged.

"Salamu alaikum" Came his heart melting voice, that just made my skyrocketed heart wiggle.

"Wa alaikumussalam..." I greeted back and internally thanked Allah for not stuttering.

"How you doing?" I couldn't help but wonder how he managed to sound so calmed and nonchalant.

"Good, what about you?" I asked low but loud enough for him to hear me.

"Same as you, missed me much? I know you've been thinking of me, yeah?" He chuckled.

Man, Every single second.

"Haha very funny, keep telling yourself that"

I heard him gasp "Ouch! That stings you know, who have you been thinking of then?"

I knew he was just acting so i genuinely buy it "Whoever it may be but believe me it's nothing close to you"

"God! That hurts even more RAK"

For the first time, the crazy so called nickname sounded so wonderful. It'd never sounded sweet and mellifluous. I think it wasn't that bad, after all. I wish he could say it one more time.

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