Devilishly Handsome.

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Devilishly Handsome.

"In my office now!" His voice booms the speaker making me all the more irritated. After that incident, he has been getting on my nerves. Either it be breakfast, lunch or dinner he always finds a way to annoy me. Even in today's breakfast, he intentionally poured the whole container of salt in my soup. Then, he again intentionally poured juice on my favorite dress. Last night he messed up with my shower and I had to shower with fucking cold water. It's been three days and there wasn't even a single day he spared me. He made a walk to office early in the morning and gave me a mountain of paperwork which he had no use of. I so fucking hate him to the core.

I could've ignored him but then again he'll torture me more. I sigh heavily and walk inside his cabin without knocking. He was obviously playing tongue hockey with his secretary. They broke apart when they finally noticed me. "Ever heard of knocking?" He mocks me. "Ever heard of locking?" I retort. "Touché." He mumbles quietly but thanks to my good hearing ability I could hear what he said. "Leave us alone, Rita." He orders her fixing his tie.  "It's Berta." She grumbles shooting daggers at me while leaving his cabin. He don't even know the name of his fuck buddy. "I don't care." He scoffs.

"Devil." I whisper but unfortunately he heard. "What did you say?" He glares at me. "Nothing." I reply nonchalantly. He ignores me and go through some files. "I want you to look through this file carefully. This will your first test." He hands me the file. "The meeting takes place two weeks from now, prepare a presentation and get this deal done at any cost. I know you've been slacking off a lot, let's see if you can pull this off." Slacking off? Seriously? I've been missing my sleep, working my ass off and he's saying I'm slacking off?

"I've never slacked off for Pete's sake! How dare you accuse me!" My grip tightens on the file. "Yeah yeah." He shoos me off. Ugh! I hate him so much. Without wasting a second of my life, I head to my own cabinet. Why does everything about him irritates me. Looking through the files, I groan in frustration. Seriously! Two weeks for this deal is not enough at all. I should get started with it if I want to be home soon. I've never worked on an interior project before so I need some help with it.

5 hours later.

My stomach begins to grumble, protesting against further work. I sigh and check the time on my cell and to my surprise it's already 6 in the evening. I close the file intending to work at home. Closing my cabin, I walk to the Devil's cabin to hand him some important papers. I walk in without knocking, like the hell I will and stands in front of him. "What do you want?" He states coldly. I can see snowflakes coming out from his mouth. Just kidding. I shouldn't attach those beautiful flakes with him.

"These papers require your signature." I hand him the papers. I'm not his secretary yet he treats me worse than that. He takes it but his action pauses, his eyes landing on my wrist. Damn! I forgot to roll down my sleeves. Apparently the cut on my wrist which was accidentally caused by him was a little  deeper and it's taking a long time to heal. "What happened to your wrist?" He questions without any emotion dancing in his face or tone of his voice.

"It was an accident." I quickly retreats my hand back. "Are you suicidal?" He continues starring at my wrist as I try to hide it. "No!" I reply quickly. How dare he call me suicidal! He curse under his breath and chuckles bitterly. "Loser!" He mutters. I look at him in confusion. "A fucking loser that's what you are! Suicide? Cutting yourself? Are you nuts? No wait! What am I asking? Of course you are. Why did you do it? To seek attention? To show that you're depressed? How much of a desperate bitch are you?" His words cut me deep. That's how low he thinks of me? He does! He always remind me.

How can a human be so cruel? "Shut up you fucktard! You know nothing about me. How dare you call me suicidal! It was a fucking accident! Get that straight on your head and stop assuming things. I'm not as low as you are!!" I yell at him. He looks taken aback with my outburst but regains his façade. "You're nothing but a fake bitch! Why did you came here anyway? What's your motive huh?!" He snaps. "My motive? Do you think I enjoying staying here? I wanna head home soon too prick! But I can't. Don't make it worse than it already is!" I yell in anger and storms out of his cabin.

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