My heart wept for me.

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My heart wept for me.

I woke up to beeping sounds that made my head ache much more than I could handle. Why do I always wake up to the sound of something beeping? I thought to myself. I groaned as I was feeling too weak to even move. My eyes were still heavy yet I somehow managed to look around a little.

I wasn't in my room. The walls are white and tall maroon curtains were shut gracefully. Where am I? Ugh! I tried sitting up and after my hundred attempts, I finally sat upright. Luckily there was a table with glass of water and it took me no time to consume it. I realised that some tube was stuck to my hand which was connected to that annoying little beeping machine.

Thoughts from last night came flashing like a tsunami. I was very hurt but that was no the real problem right now. I'm in an empty, cold room with a machine that is more irritating than the headache I have. I removed the tube from my hand and got down from the bed. I stood up but sat down immediately due to imbalance and probably weakness.

I stood up wobbly again and once I regained my balance, I head towards the door. When my hand reached the doorknob, I heard some voices outside the room. I wasn't scared rather curious as to what was going on. I leaned on the door and tried listening to the conversation. Funny thing was, I recognized both the male voices outside the room.

"Why are you stressing the poor girl out so much?" said a voice which I'm pretty sure is the doctor I met once in the devil's house. How reckless of me to forget his name.

"She's just pretending to get attention, nothing else." said the bold, cold voice of the Devil. How I wish I could just slap him hard to knock some senses into his damn head.

"She's not pretending Enrique! I'm a doctor for no reason. I'll tell you if she was pretending. She's emotionally unstable. I feel like she has faced something so tragic, it has affected her in the worst way possible. I'm amazed she has hold on for so long. If it was others, I'm afraid they won't be able to survive this far." that flirty doctor spoke which made me a little bit happy knowing the fact that he at least understands a little of what I'm going through.

"You think so? I think she's just acting and has a different motive." Devil's cold voice made me so mad. I had no other ulterior motive. All I came here was to learn how to handle the business and leave for good. What had I ever done to him to make him hate me so much. It breaks my heart to see that disgusted face he makes when he sees me. I never cared how people looked at me but when he looks at me that way, a little piece of me dies inside. Why?

"How can I....." I didn't listen to the rest of the words flirty doctor was saying. I went back to the bed and sat down. I don't know why it's affecting me so much. I shouldn't care what others say or think about me. I thought I've left all my feelings behind those locked doors. I still remember how it feels to be destroyed by something unseen.

I sometimes wish I was physically injured instead of being mentally and emotionally tortured to this extend that I can't do anything else but endure and cry the pain away. At least physical pain doesn't last long. Why am I think all these anyway. I lost my sanity that very day I was accused by that one person I thought knew me the best.

I was a naive little girl. Why does my cheek feel so wet? Right after, a drop of tear fell on my hand followed by a few more. I'm crying. Why am I crying.? I shouldn't cry.. Why can't I stop the tears from falling. I tried to dry my eyes with my shaky hands but I couldn't. These tears won't stop at any cost. My heart was weeping after a long time. It didn't want to stop. It knew something I didn't know yet. It knew something I didn't want to accept.

My heart wept for me. For my destiny.

I took a shaky breath and stared at the curtain. Maroon. He didn't like that colour. He didn't like cold either. He was a sly person.

The door opened after God knows how many hours later. The footsteps were very natural. They were very familiar. They were bold and strong. They were terrifying but reliable as well. "You're awake." came the cold voice with a hint of surprise in the tone.

I simply nodded my head. He was standing behind my back. I could feel his strong presence. I could sense his cold aura. He felt somewhat warm but he was chilly to the core. "Do you want something to eat?" he questioned which surprised me. Why would he care if I want to eat or not?

I simply shook my head to no. I was exhausted even though I did nothing but sleep. I had no strength left inside of me to face him head on. I felt like I'm on the brink of giving up. I could feel the warmth behind me fade. Why would he stand there for long anyway. He must've been irritated and left.

I was waiting for the door to open and shut close but instead of that, a dark figure clouded before me. It was him. Surprisingly he was wearing room slippers because he never wears them. He despises them. "Are you okay?" he asked and I nodded. What was I supposed to say? That I'm not okay? That you're hurting me? That I'm hurting myself.? That I'm feeling suffocated.?

He didn't budge from where he stood even though time just flew by us at its own pace. I could only hear him breathing and the wall clock ticking. I knew the sun was setting because the maroon curtains turned to more darker shade. I finally lifted my head to be met by cold, unrecognized emotionless eyes. He stared at me with no facial expression. His face looked a little rougher than how it usually use to be.

Maybe it's because he didn't shave his facial hair or because his hair looks a little disheveled. Or the fact that he's in his casual clothes. Living with him for so many days, I've unknowingly come to notice lots of things about him. Was I happy about it? His hand slowly came towards my face and before he could touch it, I flinched.

It wasn't intentional. I just saw a glimpse of past flashed right in front of me. I wasn't scared of him, I was scared of the past that still clung to me. Maybe my eyes were too clouded with emotions that I saw hurt flashing across his face. He let down his hand and stared at me. His face..... It hurts me a lot to see his face without imagining what has happened so far.

I sighed heavily and stood up. Not even once did his gaze divert from mine. I stared at his face and forced a smile. "I believe this is your room..." I said but my voice cracked. I cleared my throat and began again. "Thank you for helping me. I promise to stay out of your life here on. I will learn what I have to and leave for good." I studied his face and it showed no emotions.

I clenched my fist and smiled again. "I can't help but be in contact with you while I work, but I promise to stay away as far as I can outside the work place. I'm sorry for the inconvenience I've caused so far." I held back my tears as I waited to hear something from him but he didn't utter a single word.

I turned around taking his silence as my cue to leave. I walked out if the room and before completely shutting the door, I whispered, "Why do you hate me so much?" I bet he didn't heard it and it wasn't meant to be heard anyway. I ran towards my room and shut the door.

I laid down on the bed and stared at the chandelier. As beautiful and sparkling it looks, it's dangerous if it's turned into a weapon. It looks better from far and it should be kept that way. Maybe that's my answer.

Hello lovelies!! I was missing for a long long time. I'm so sorry! No excuse can justify for making you guys wait so much.

Thank you for being so patient with me and not leaving my side. I love you all so much and remember you're worth every love and blessings in this world.

If you're having a bad day or going through something, trust me there's always a rainbow after every storm.

Idk when I'll be back with next chapter but I'll try to not delay as much as possible.

Until next time! Stay safe!! 💜💜💜💜

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