This is too soon

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When I got out of the shower, Enrique was not in the room. I breathe a sigh of relieve and dressed up. I don't know why dad is visiting so suddenly. I recieved a call from mum just days ago and she didn't mention anything about dad visiting me.

I walked down and mouth watering aroma tickled my nose. I enter the kitchen and Enrique was putting down food on the table. He was already dressed in his usual cold attire, the morning him hidden by his clothes. "You can cook?" I was quite surprised.

"I did." He puff his chest and look at me as if asking me to praise him. I giggled patting his head. "Good boy. You're full of surprises aren't you."

I walk towards the counter to make coffee. Enrique was very invested in plating the food. There was some used paper towel near the basin so I took them and open the trash can and lo! And behold, there were lots of takeaway trash in the bin.

I threw away the paper towel and look at the man infront of me who was still busy plating all the food he claimed to have cooked. I sighed as a small smile graced my lips.

"Wifey! Come on let's eat." Enrique turned around asking me to hurry up. His eyes land towards the trash that was placed near my feet. He rushed to my side and pulled me towards the table.

"Don't stand there. Let's eat okay." He said nervously. "Okay." He looks so nervous, it's so cute. I decided to let it slide and enjoy the food. "Coffee?" He asked.

"Oh! I forgot to make it. Wait a minute." I stood up to make it when he hurriedly stop me. "Wa..wait! Let me do it. You sit down and eat okay?"

"okay." I replied. Man wants to do everything so why not. How many people in this world can enjoy such special treatment anyway.

He clumsily brew two cups of coffee and brought it to the table. "Are you okay?" No matter how much I enjoy him getting flustered, I still worry about him hurting himself.

"Are you worried about me?" He grin. "Forget I asked." I rolled my eyes continuing to eat my breakfast. "You should say yes. It's no fun when you give up so easily." He complained digging into his food.

"Since when did you become so childish?" He glanced at me and smiled. "Ever since you entered my life."

"You honey mouthed man." I rolled my eyes at him. "Only you can do that infront of me and still get away with it." He said helplessly.

"I need my privilege you know." I smiled taking a bite. "Anything for you."

After the breakfast I was volunteered to wash the dishes. Enrique stood beside me to dry them clean. He gave me a wink saying, "Aren't I the best boyfriend?"

I rolled my eyes playfully. The door bell made him jolt on surprise. I laughed at him as he suddenly turn red. "I'm a little nervous." He admitted. I gave him a kiss and assured him that everything will be okay.

He told me that he'll open the door so I nodded and continue washing the dishes. After I was done, I went out to greet them.

Dad saw me and smiled. "Sweety, are you doing well?" He asked giving me a tight hug. I hugged him back smiling."I'm doing really well papa."

"I wish I had a daughter too. I'm very jealous of you." Enrique's dad joked. Dad grinned at him showing me off. I sighed helplessly.

Enrique's mum laughed pulling me into a big and warm hug. "I miss you so much. Why do you not visit me?" She pout, pretending to be hurt.

I felt guilty though. I know I should've visited them at least once or twice but I was so invested in myself and the situation between Enrique and I that I completely ignored the others.

"I'm so sorry." I said in a low voice. "Oh darling. I was just joking about being hurt. I know you're busy. I don't mind really." She hugged me again." I'm sorry, I scared you."

I hugged her back saying it's not her fault, that she shouldn't apologize. Enrique's parents are really kind people.

"Mum, dad, uncle.. don't just stand there. Come in. Let's sit and talk." Enrique laughed. We sat down and caught up with each other's lives over some cup of coffee.

"Winter Sweety.." dad who was sitting beside me held my hand, all smiles. "Yes Papa?" I asked amused at his action.

"I've come to take you back. Your mum and sis misses you a lot. And so do I. Besides you've already learnt as much as you could from Enrique so I want you to start taking over slowly."

I didn't know how I'll react. If he said this like last month or so, I would've have packed right away and flew back the very day but now... I don't know what I should do. I knew that I had to leave someday but this is too soon..

I know Enrique and his parents heard what papa said and I can feel Enrique's burning gaze at me but I can't face him right now. Dad just dropped the news with so much hope and smiles, I can't deny him. On the other hand, everything between Enrique and I is finally falling in place. I don't want to leave him, I actually want to be with him.

"Sweety? Are you not happy?" Papa asked worried. "I thought you'll be happy hearing it since you wanted this to end quickly."

"Um no papa. I'm happy you thought of me." I tried to smile. I'm actually grateful that papa came all the way here to pick me up but Enrique...

"Zach? Why are you rushing? Let her stay for sometime more. I still have lots of things to do with her." Enrique's mum complained.

"Yes Zach. She finally got some break and got the hang of this place. Let this poor child rest for a while longer." Enrique's dad suggested.

"I know she finally got some break but Pedro, I want Winter to adjust slowly with the working environment back home so that she won't have any problems when I hand over the chair to her." Papa sighed.

"but Zach.." Enrique's mum continue. I couldn't hear what they were saying. The voice just faded it the background. All this while Enrique has been awfully quite. I raise my head to look at him and he was staring right at me. He looked really mad, like he can go off any minute.

Hey lovelies! I hope y'all are doing great. It's kinda short so please bear with me. I hope you liked this.

Stay safe and healthy. You're always loved and valid. I love you all💜

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