Mr. Devil, please be kind to me.

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This chapter is dedicated to mahgadahling for the beautiful cover. I hope you enjoyed this. ❤

Mr. Devil, please be kind to me.
I woke up feeling really good today, especially after that light easy going conversation I had with the Devil. Maybe that was the way of God rewarding me for still surviving in this ice mansion. But whatever it was, it definitely cheered me up.

As usual I changed my clothes for work, fixed my hair, add a small amount of make up and I was good to go. I walked down to the kitchen where I was greeted by wonderful, mouthwatering smell of Camma's cupcakes and sweet aromatic coffee. Beautiful way to start the day.

I greeted Camma and sat in front of the Devil. He was as usual reading the news on his tab and enjoying his black bitter coffee. I don't want to get my hopes high but I was really hoping the Devil will leave his tab aside and greet me with a smile and talk to me like last night.

There was pin drop of silence. I was enjoying my cupcake when Camma announced that she'll be going to visit her family for a week so she won't be able to cook for us or clean for us. The Devil just nod his head saying to give his regards to her family.

Camma sat beside and whispered, "take care of him okay? I'm counting on you. He may be an idiot but he's not bad at heart. If anything wrong happens don't hesitate to call me. I'll miss you. I love you dear." I hugged her and said, "I love you too Camma. I'll miss you so much."

She left after all the dishes were washed except for ours because we weren't done. The Devil placed his tab on the table and finished his coffee. He didn't even glanced at me so far. He stood up and fixed his tie, put on his coat and was ready to walk out of the door when he turned around and faced me.

I was getting my hopes high again. I didn't know if I should give him a smile. Maybe he's free now, so we can talk. Or maybe he will offer a ride to the office. Maybe he might say he had a good time last night. Maybe we should end this rivalry and stay civil. So many things were going on my mind.

He stared at me and with a straight face said, "I forgot to tell you. Mr. Kapoor will meet you at 10:30 AM sharp today to discuss about the project you'll be handling." I stared at him confused for a second. Wait! What? Today? I checked the time and it was already 10:20. No way was I supposed to make to the office on time.

Mr. Kapoor is known for his punctuality. He hates those who are late for work. "What the fuck! Can't you tell me sooner?" I hurriedly drank the coffee and ran out of the house when the Devil called me from the door. "What?!" I yelled at him. "You don't want these? Okay." He said casually showing my documents and handbag. He closed the door and I had to run back again.

The door was locked when I tried to open it. I rung the doorbell and banged on the door as loud as I could. "Open up you Jerk! I'm already running late because of you!" I yelled. The Devil was standing at the window of the living room and laughing at me. I slammed my hand on the window he was standing and yelled at him to open the door.

It was already 10:30 and he wasn't opening the door. I wanted to cry but I should'nt satisfy that Devil. I know he wants to make my life miserable. I don't know what he drank last night for him to be sweet. Those were just an illusion. I got so frustrated, I raised my hand high and went to slam at the door when the door got unlocked and my hand met the Devil's face.

I swear it wasn't intentional. I just froze there. I couldn't comprehend what just happened. I just hit the Devil on his face with all my force. I didn't know whether I should laugh or cry. His expression was just priceless.

He stood there like a statue and I ran inside to get my stuffs because by now he had already placed my stuffs on the kitchen counter. I grabbed it and when I turned back I was trapped by two very muscular arms. He was staring at me with dead eyes and I knew it that today was my last day.

"Let me go." I said in a not so strong voice that I was actually trying to use but he didn't budge. I was already late and he was dead furious. I had to run somehow so I did something unimaginable. I leaned closer to him, which made him look confused for a sec and he went back to that cold statue again.

I leaned more closer, our noses almost touching each other. I slowly lift my hand and tickled him. He shot down his arms immediately and there I realized that he was a very ticklish person. The moment his arms were down, I ran out of the house as fast as I can. I caught a cab and I escaped the death. I mean the Devil.

I reached pretty late but I somehow managed to convinced my client and the work went well. After the meeting was over, I went to my cabin, shut the curtains which was open and I have no idea how. Hailey told me to face time her so I called her and told her what just happened and she was laughing like a maniac.

There was a knock on the door and Barbara walked in. She sat in front of me and she was looking very confused and amused at the same time. "Everything alright Barbs?" I asked her and she smiled. "Before that, who's laughing so hard?" She questioned. I showed her my silly bff and she waved at her. "Hals! How are you?" Barbara grinned. "Oh I'm having a blast!" She laughed. I introduced Hals to Barbs before so at their first meeting on Skype they just clicked.

I ignored her and asked Barbs what happened. "While I was coming to your cabin I saw Mr. Hottie.." She obviously is talking about the Devil. "And you'll never believe what I saw." She said with excitement. By now Hals' laughter has died down and she was listening very carefully. "He had a red mark on his face. Like not on the cheeks but near the eyes and nose section. Because of his eyewear I couldn't notice much but it was red." She said looking all too serious.

From the corner of my eye I can see Hals trying her best not to laugh. "You live with him so I thought you might know.." She continued. "At first I guessed you guys might've fought again but you won't hit him right?" She laughed. Hals lost it and started her laughing machine. I was dying of embarrassment but at the same time I was worried what the Devil will pull this time to get his revenge on me.

Barbs looked confused at first and suddenly realisation hit her when she put two and two together and yelled, "Really?!" She stared at Hals who was nodding and laughing holding her stomach. Barbs fell on the floor laughing her ass out. I was scared for my life and my two best friends were laughing at my miserable incident.

"I didn't know you were that savage." Barbs commented after I told her what exactly happened. "This made my day." She laughed. "I know right." Hals agreed laughing along with her. I sighed but couldn't help finding the incident funny in a way though I felt so bad for hitting him accidentally.

They tried to calm me by saying it was an accident and he'll understand. But I know how the Devil is. Heck! He gets mad at me for no reason and now he has a reason. I don't wanna go home today. Mr. Devil, please be kind to me.

Hello lovelies! Sorry this is a short chapter but I hope y'all enjoyed it. I updated earlier this time. 😂

Thank you for not abandoning and for always being so patient. If you are having a bad day, always remember I'm here to listen and support you.

Have a beautiful day/ night. Until next time, stay safe.
I ❤ you.

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