My day.

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My day.

I woke up to the sound of my phone ringing early in the morning. Groaning, I searched for my cell phone which was under my pillows. Without checking the caller ID I received the call half asleep.

"Where the hell did you go?!" Bombarded a very familiar voice. "Hayley?" I yawn totally unaffected by her outburst. "My! How lucky am I to know that you still remember my name." She fake gasp making me roll my eyes.

"Stop being dramatic Hayls. You know I love you." I sigh sitting upright. I meant what I said. She's my sister from another parents. We've been inseparable since childhood. She's just furious that I.... Crap! "Remembering something sweetheart?" Comes her mocking voice.

"Sorry bae. I.. You were on your so deserved vacation that I didn't want to disturb you. And moreover everything happened so fast that even I myself have no clue when and how I got here.." Getting off from my bed I walked straight to my wardrobe.

"That's no excuse young lady. How would you feel when you came back home feeling excited to meet your baby after a gap of so many weeks with lots to gossip about..only to find out that she left you in the dark and went to Italy!!" She sounds really annoyed.

"I'm sorry Halybear but you know how dad is right? I can't ignore his commands." I sigh taking out my clothes for the day. I feel so bad for not letting her know. I didn't even left an e-mail.

There was a long sigh on the other side. "Okay I understand. I was just worried Winny. I thought you were doing something reckless again. I was so scared. I'm sorry I should've trusted you enough to know you won't do anything but I couldn't help but get scared. I can't see you going back to those days.."

I calmed my breathing. I know she meant no harm. I know how affected she was because of my reckless behavior in the past. "I don't blame you for being scared Halys. I understand and trust me I'm not that person anymore."

After a pregnant pause, she sighs. "okay so spill the beans sister. What are you doing there?"I can hear the smile on her voice. "What am I not doing here.. Seriously Halys, a devil is making my life miserable out here. Ugh! I don't know why dad put me under his care. " I grumble.

"Devil eh? Very kinky. I don't mind being terrorized by a handsome devil. He's a walking lava." she giggles. "Before you ask.. Yes! I did the research after asking Summer all about it. You're a damn lucky bitch." she laughs.

"So fucking lucky." I reply rolling my eyes. She laughs and hangs up saying she'll call me again later. I went to the bathroom to shower and start a new day. Fortunately, there wasn't any childish prank on me till now and honest to God, I want the day to be this peaceful.

Camma was arranging the tables. "Good morning Camma." I kiss her cheeks and sat at the dinner table. "Good morning Princess. " she kiss my forehead and place a cup of coffee. Ah! A nice cup of coffee to kick start the day.

I look around looking for any sign of the devil. I know even thinking about him stains my so far perfect morning but I'm worried he might bounce on me any given moment. "No bambino.. He left early morning. " came Camma's thick accent. "Wonderful!" I exclaim in happiness.

She laughs placing blueberry pancakes in front of me. Yum yum. Trust me she makes the best pancakes Ever! After a tasty breakfast I head out for work exactly half an hour early. Nope! I'm not giving any chance for the devil to pounce on me.

No traffic and I'm still ten minutes early. I got to my cabin without any disturbances and so far nothing happened. This is really My day! Oh! How much did I yearn for this day. How much battles did I had to fight. I'm being dramatic again but I'll ignore it for today. Like I always do.

I was grinning from ear to ear when there was a knock at the door. "Come in. It's open. " I said as I correct some errors for the meeting tomorrow. "Somebody's in a good mood. Finally got laid?" came the voice of a very excited Barbara.

"Hey!Girlfriend. Something much better happened than getting laid. " I grin as she takes a seat. "Omg! You finally noticed you're in love with that hunk. " She grins wiggling her perfect Instagram eyebrows. "Ew! Gross. No girl. I haven't seen that devil till now and everything has been going on perfect. " I laugh.

"Ha! The day only got started baby girl. " she laughs as I frown at her. "Way to ruin my mood. " I roll my eyes as she laughs like a mental on the run. "Get out now. I have to work if I wanna go home soon. " I sigh. "Geez! Relax chika. This isn't highschool and you're not in detention room that you have to finish writing if you wanna go back home. " She smirks but walks off.

Stretching myself, I got back to my work. To be honest, no matter how the devil is, he is great when it comes to business. But, well whatever! I'm having the time of my life. It was already noon when I finished the assigned work and still there was no sight of the devil. I took my purse and went out to eat at the nearest cafe. Barbara had lots of pending work to finish before this evening unfortunately. I laughed at her misfortune and she gave me a death glare.

I wanted to write a diary on this perfect little I've been having so far when I saw what I shouldn't have seen. Yup! Congratulations people.. You've guessed it right. It's Mr. Devil. Sigh! I blame Barbara for this. So having no where to run from him, I took the menu and covered my face the old fashioned way.

He didn't saw me and sat a table ahead of me. So far I still have my luck. He was alone dressed in his signature suit. I wonder how much time he spend on choosing his work suit? What the heck are you thing girlfriend! Snap! He looks rather unpleasant today.

I mean he's always grumpy but today he looks like he can ruin the whole of Italy. Exaggeration. I know. Sue me. He looks really impatient too.. Is he waiting for someone? Perhaps a woman? That thought made my stomach churn. Focus! What the heck! My order came and I didn't know when I finished the food coz I was staring at the devil.

Oh no! Don't get me wrong. I'm not admiring him.. I'm just curious why he's here and sitting alone looking furious and impatient. Then finally walked a woman inside the cafe and approached him. She's very beautiful. She's got this sliver eyes which I don't know if it's natural or contact lenses. She's got this long golden locks and an hour glass figure which was very well flattered by her sliver gown.

So dressed up to meet in a cafe? Very odd. She gracefully sat on front of him and flashed him a big smile. Nope! Not an innocent smile but one of those flirtatious evil smiles. Like she knows something that will irritate the devil because at this point he was let's say his real persona was slipping out.

Ha! That was entertaining. They exchanged some words which unfortunately I couldn't hear and stood up to walk out. Now there were two things on my head. Follow the devil and use anything I find against the devil to earn my freedom.. Secondly ignore what just happened and go back to my perfect day without the devil.

I made up my mind, paid my bills and walked straight to parking lot. I saw the devil and the woman getting inside the devil's pick of the day. His car in short. I cursed myself as I got hold of a cab and followed the two. I don't know what the hell am I doing but I have a very very bad feeling about this. Like something very bad is going to happen. And I'm so not ready for a drama.

Hello! my lovelies.. Sorry it's a short one this time. I've been really busy. Next update I'll try to make it longer and more interesting.

I hope y'all enjoy this. Leave a comment how you've been taking in this novel so far and don't forget to vote💫

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Until then stay safe.

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