Even When The Battles Seems To Repeat Itself

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Today I want to encourage somebody.

During a tough time, something disturbing happened and I was upset. I was upset because I felt heavily discouraged. A battle I thought was finally over came back and God revealed the same spiritual attack. I didn't like the fact I had to fight once again. I was crying endless and praying. I didn't know what to do and eventually, later on, I went to tell my mother that I'd already prayed, fasted and done all I could yet it's the same thing and my mom said that battles are for life. "The moment you stop receiving battles and warnings from God, that's the moment you need to realise your the devil's friend". Now what she means there isn't literal, rather she was trying to communicate to me that as Christians in this world, we will always be attacked by the kingdom of darkness. Once she finished, I started laughing. I don't know why I couldn't stop smiling. It was a smile that I felt deep in my spirit like I felt calm, at ease and in peace for a long time and I realised I'm not doing anything wrong. God is listening to my prayers but these fights and these attacks don't mean I'm doing something wrong but rather that I'm perfectly on track because if the kingdom of darkness is fighting so hard for me to be outside God's will and be destroyed then I know there is a real treasure in me. Jesus Christ ❤️

Battles will never stop. Till now and till the day we die or leave this world. We will face battles after battles, the enemy won't stop ring to get us to leave God and sin. He will keep on going over and over again, the enemy has perseverance and may I dare say he can have more perseverance than us as the body of Christ. He knows how to persist to attack and we need to learn to continue to persist to resist the temptation to submit and give up.

So, if you're facing those same demons, those same issues, discouragement and tears don't think you're doing something wrong because it's been going on for years or months but sis, keep fighting. Be encouraged you're not the only one. The only time we should be concerned is if we are in sin and we are the ones leaving God to the world but if you're still praying, still seeking God and seeking His will then no matter how much things repeat, it just goes to show that you hold so much value that the kingdom of darkness is willing to waste time, the time they don't have to bother a human continuously because of they know their time is short and they also know the threat of a true believer in Christ.

I encourage you sis to fight, pray, resist the devil, pick up your sword and begin to fight back. Begin to declare God's word and fight the good fight. Continue to live in the fear of the Lord ( awe, reverence and respect for God in your life) seek to walk in righteousness and fight off those demons!


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