When you feel like you've been wronged by God

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Don't be confused or offended but the title. God obviously never does anything wrong. His ways are perfect and his word is a lamp to our feet and a light to our path. But then what do I mean by the title?

I think we've all had that point when we asked God for something and received a "wait" and not a "no" and you were very sure of what God had said to you. It was hard but you waited and eventually the time came for you to reap what you've sown. But here comes the weird part, what you're seeing in front didn't come the way you wanted it to. And now you're doubting God and doubting yourself and doubting everything.

It happens to everyone. Even if it hasn't happened to you yet, prepare yourself for a time like this will come.

I think the worst part is the feeling of hopelessness that comes after. I mean, sometimes when you pray, God gives you something better and you're grateful and immediately understand why. But sometimes God still needs to test your faith so he won't give you what you want immediately. Or he won't give it to you in the way you wanted him too.

The bible says;
6 So be truly glad. There is wonderful joy ahead, even though you must endure many trials for a little while.
1 Peter 1:6

7 These trials will show that your faith is genuine. It is being tested as fire tests and purifies gold—though your faith is far more precious than mere gold. So when your faith remains strong through many trials, it will bring you much praise and glory and honor on the day when Jesus Christ is revealed to the whole world.
1 Peter 1:7 NLT

I'll drive my point home with a story of my own. In my last year of high school, I took some A level courses so I could get into 200 level instead of starting out as a freshman. I was legit going to two schools at once and there were several times I prayed asking God if I should just stop and give up on everything. But he kept giving me signs to persevere so I kept going.

Eventually, the A level exam results were out and it wasn't what I had wanted at all. I was distraught and depressed for months afterwards. I wasn't myself and I was so angry at God. No one really got how stupid and angry I felt so I stopped talking about everything. I became a shadow of myself.

A friend advised me later on to download you version and I did. I became encouraged to pray again. I spoke up about how I truly felt, that I was angry at God and that I felt like he had let me down. One of my best friend's told me something that opened my eyes and gave me the strength I needed to heal.

God has a reason for everything. Sometimes you'll work your butt off for something but he won't give it you because he knows you need something different or he wants to teach you something. I did eventually get into 200 level even though my score wasn't as high as I had wanted it to be. But God was trying to work on my pride. And he was trying to teach me to lean on him.

It might look like he's let you down but I promise you with all my heart that he hasn't. No he hasn't forgotten you and he never will. But to really have the peace and closure you need, you need to trust him and trust him completely. It's easier said than done and you'll slip up sometimes but it's worth it. You can lean on God. He only lets you face troubles so he can work on your character and bring you closer to him.

You might not understand it all now but you will later. You might not even understand it completely, even till now, I still feel dumb when I hear of other people's a level scores and I still go back to the wall where the results were posted, wondering what really went wrong. But I have peace because even though I don't understand why it happened that way, I understand what God was trying to teach me.

Give God another chance. He's always going to be there for you and he's waiting patiently for you to give him a chance to explain what his true plan was for you. Don't give up on God. He'll never give up on you even when you feel like giving up on yourself.

~ Anne :)

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