God Within The Gifts

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The God Within the gifts

Do you believe me when I say absolutely nothing on this earth can satisfy you? Do you believe me when I say that only 1 can? Jesus

We can quote a verses like Psalm 37:4 with the material things in mind but listen here.

When you seek the kingdom first. It's an action you take, a mindset you have, and a desire in your heart. When you seek the kingdom and its righteousness, you ultimately seek God. When God is your greatest desire He will take care of you. The desire of our heart will be God and He will give us Himself.

Our God is our greatest prize.

God can give us gifts but we'll know our true peace and joy aren't found within those gifts but in God alone. That they can be given and taken but our hearts remain seeking our greatest desire.

When you desire something, let's say to go to prom. Random I know, but compared to that prom every little party you'll have in between will seem so little. They will be nice gifts, add a bit of joy and you might have some amazing times but your eyes are more set on the prize. Those little parties could be taken away and it won't matter much to you because you never expected those to be the thing you look forward to but your actual prom.

It's an example of how God wants us to live. That compared all things that will happen in our lives. Our eyes will remain focused on the One who we truly desire the most.

So above everything else you desire. Seek God the most. Only He can fulfill you.

Jeremiah 29:13
13 You will seek me and find me, when you seek me with all your heart.


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