Conversations With God

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Conversations with God

Advice I would give to help you start communicating with God more sis is to involve communication with God on what you've learned.

Doing your daily quiet time (Bible reading, mediation on the word, devotional)

Something I always tell girls is to surround themselves with Christian influences. Whether it's good Christain podcasts, YouTube channels, blogs, Instagram profiles etc God can speak to you through these channels. He can teach you lessons, touch your heart, convict you etc

But when you do read your devotional or even receive a post from here on Wattpad. I desire that you don't just read a post and move on but with anything you receive, whether it's a podcast episode, go before God in prayer and talk to God about it.

The influences and things I watch I keep and value are some women or God or people I know that whenever I listen to them I just have this desire to pray right after. To talk to God about what they said, to grow in a deep relationship like they had and it pushes me to hunger more and more for God.

God speaks through people, His word, circumstances etc and this is a beginning of a conversation. Now what God used to speak to you, you use to speak back TO Him.

If the podcast topic was about overcoming spiritual disciplines and maybe you're not a disciplined person. You can meditate on the podcast episode, the tips, encouragement and go before God, worship Hom, ask Him for the grace to be more disciplined, speak about that struggle
Ask him to guide you but spend that time with Him.

I know we can fall into the trap of praying only when we need something but this is a way that you can go before God just to communicate with your Creator. Where you discuss what you've received from Him and speak to Him regarding that. Maybe you had a recent dream or you read a random post that really touched you. Let the message God used to encourage you, bring you back to Him and in a conversation.

I challenge you that even if it's a verse you read, let that verse be the conversation you have with God for that day. Ask God questions, speak to Him, ask for strength to also be a doer of that word but include God in everything and you'll start hearing His voice more and more. You'll grow this intimacy with God for you listen to God but also speak to Him and God speaks to us and listens to us. It's in this relationship that we find satisfaction, peace and joy. It's in this bond, that we go to God whenever something comes up, whether good or bad. It's in this state where we speak to God as our Father. It's in this that we go to God, pouring our hearts, seeking repentance and walking in His ways. Where we lean on His strength to overcome sin and reflect our Saviour. It's in this that we start becoming more like Christ, our desires start reflecting His and we walk in His spirit. Where we don't just hear His word or just do it but we live in because we decrease but He increases.

John 3:30
30 He must increase, but I must decrease.”

Chapter I encourage you to read:
Galatians 5


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