Don't stop believing

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There can be miracles
When you believe
Though hope is frail
It's hard to kill

Who knows what miracles
You can achieve
When you believe
Somehow you will
You will when you believe.

I didn't know how to start this post so I prayed for the right words. And these are the lyrics that came to my mind.

Life isn't fair and a lot of times, bad things happen to people who don't deserve it. You work so hard for something and it doesn't come out right but the person who doesn't even care about his studies gets an award.

You're a nice person, you have great friends and you're respectful to those around you. But somehow it's the mean girl who has everything you want.

The truth is that these are things that you have to accept. It's painful and annoying but true. Sometimes you're not supposed to have certain things and even if God has promised them to you, they won't manifest until God wants them to. But it's easier to read and preach this than to accept it.

There will be sometimes when everything looks really bleak. You're gonna feel like you're stuck, someone is gonna betray you or you'll mess up something you really want to get right.
But you need to stand strong girl, you need to try, because the devil is waiting and hoping for you to give up. And you can't let that happen.

It'll be hard. There'll be times you even doubt God's existence. You'll wonder that "if God really cares about me, why would he let this happen"
God knows exactly what he's doing. He wouldn't send you that challenge or obstacle if he believed you couldn't do it. He wants to develop your character, to strengthen your faith in him. It might seem like he's not there but I promise, he always is.

He loves you. And he's always right by your side. Don't let the devil place lies in your mind. The past breakthroughs and miracles you've seen are from God, they weren't coincidences. Remember them when things get dark and tell yourself that if God did this for me he can surely get me out of what I'm in now. He won't abandon me now, he'll see me through.

There's so much you can do to keep your faith up. To keep yourself believing in Him.

1. When you feel your faith slipping up, it's a sign that you need to pray more. Not just in the morning and at night but everytime you can. Talk to God like you would a trusted friend. Tell him about everything, the stuff you think is weird, something funny that happened that day, anything at all. He'll listen. He loves listening to you.

2. Surround yourself with godly people. If you're going through tough times and your faith is being tested you need people around you to remind you of God's goodness and advice you when you want to give up.

3. Read and listen to the word. Have encouraging bible verses that you can easily refer to and listen to uplifting messages.

4. Worship and praise. Worship is a great way to take your mind off all the things that are happening in your life and keep you focused on God and his promises.

Please don't stop believing. The bible says:

6 And it is impossible to please God without faith. Anyone who wants to come to him must believe that God exists and that he rewards those who sincerely seek him.
Hebrews 11:6 NLT

You can't receive something if you aren't expecting it after all, you'll miss the package.

It's hard, I know. I don't know what you're going through right now and I can't claim I understand but I know what it's like to feel your faith slip. Like you know God's there but you're wondering when the pain will end.

The bible says;

20 ...“I tell you the truth, if you had faith even as small as a mustard seed, you could say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it would move. Nothing would be impossible.”
Matthew 17:20 NLT

Nothing happens without a reason and nothing last forever. My mother always says that it's when you're on the verge of breakthrough that everything hurts the most and I understand why. Sometimes, it's the devil trying to get you to give up at the very last moment.

You might be tired of hearing this but if you keep believing things will be ok. You'll come out of this with a stronger amount of faith and a deeper relationship with God. The darker the circumstances the more unique and special the breakthrough will be. Keep this in mind when you feel like you've had enough.

Don't stop praying!

Oh and another thing, You have the right to feel the way you do and no one should invalidate your experience or you're issues. God created us all different and knew how we'd react to certain things.

I've had people tell me in the past "look how you're acting now, if you were going through what I was going through you wouldn't be able to stand it" It was wrong really and I wish it hadn't taken me so long to realize how wrong they were to say that to me.

Don't listen to people who talk like that. If you do, you start questioning everything and could even start to blame and beat up yourself. You'll wonder if you really have the strength to do anything and forget that you're supposed to lean on God and not on yourself.

God will never make you feel ashamed of feeling upset about a certain thing and a good friend wouldn't either. He'd listen to you and tell you it'll be alright. So please, keep believing. Keep believing in God to see you through and keep believing in yourself. Know that you can get through this and you'll have a testimony to share too.

Look how far your faith has got you, it can take you even farther, but only if you keep the faith within you alive.

~ Anne :)

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