The voice in your head

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I think everyone knows that there's more than one voice in your head. And if you didn't I'm telling you right now that as a Christian, you definitely have more than one voice trying to speak to you.

Just to be clear, this post isn't about hearing random voices when you're alone or seeing things that aren't really there.

It's about those times when you're alone and you can hear someone telling you, in a quiet voice that you'll be alright. That's God. He doesn't just speak to us on the inside though, he also uses people, sermons and even social media sometimes to talk to us and get us on the right path. All you need to do is ask for his guidance.

And that brings me to the main point. The devil is our enemy. While God tries to help us to succeed, the devil makes pathetic attempts to undo God's work. But if there's anywhere the devil can easily get to you and easily decieve you into deviating from God's word, it's through your mind.

The mind is rarely ever a quiet place. We're busy moving around, trying to figure out what to do next and a lot of us are forgetting how important quiet time with God is. Even when we're alone and have nothing to do, we ruminate about the things that are going wrong or entertain thoughts that we shouldn't.

And the number one mistake we make is thinking that we're the ones telling ourselves these things. That we're the ones telling ourselves that we're not enough or that we'll never make it. Or telling ourselves that it's normal to think like or that we're bad people and we ought to feel that way. Most of the time it's the devil talking. Once you realize that the battle that takes place in your mind is deeper than you thought it was, it might actually get a lot easier to fight it.

12 For we are not fighting against flesh-and-blood enemies, but against evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world, against mighty powers in this dark world, and against evil spirits in the heavenly places.
Ephesians 6:12 NLT

The devil knows he can't restrain you or puppeteer you but he also knows that if he says the wrong things, he can get you to miss God's will for your life.

The devil knows that if he can convince you that you're useless you won't find meaning in life anymore. If he convinces you that you're doomed to suffer forever you might end up killing yourself. He knows that if he continuously tells you and shows you how you're not good enough, you'll give up on your dreams. He uses the terrible things people said to us in the past and the mistakes we make to haunt so that he can try to stop us.

But there's good news because more than anything else, the devil is a liar. Nothing he says is true. Read that again. You don't have to ruminate, you don't have to let what he says hold you down, you don't have to lose your motivation. Nothing he says is true.

The bible says it clearly in John 8:44;
(NLT)For you are the children of your father the devil, and you love to do the evil things he does. He was a murderer from the beginning. He has always hated the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he lies, it is consistent with his character; for he is a liar and the father of lies.

I won't lie, I enjoyed reading the entire chapter. Jesus was talking to the pharisees, whenever he preached they never believed what he said and when Jesus had said he was the son of God they called him a liar. They were going to stone a lady to death and Jesus interfered telling them that they've sinned too.

He uses this opportunity to describe the devil and compares them to him because of the things they did and said.

And even if you did mess up and yeah you aren't perfect, Jesus knew that. He died on the cross for us all paying the ultimate price knowing that we'd mess up time and time again. He loved us that much. He still loves us that much. He wants to have a better relationship with us.

So now that we know all this what do we do when the devil tries to hold us down with our thoughts?

1.  we fight him off with the truth of God's word.
The bible says in John 8:32 (NLT); And you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.”

We don't entertain him for even a second. Because the truth is that if you dwell on negative thoughts for too long, you're gonna get stuck. You won't be able to do anything, you won't find meaning in doing anything anymore.

2. You also need to pray. If you know you constantly deal with negative thoughts you need to ask God to speak to you. Seek his presence everyday so that you can get to know Him better then you'll be able to differentiate the truth from lies and keep your mind on godly things.

3. Read your Bible every single day. I'm not just talking about devotionals. Yeah they're helpful but to keep yourself safe from attacks an in depth bible study would be more effective. You could also look up bible verses which speak the truth about your situation.

4. And last but not least, I can't stress this enough, reach out to someone. It's going to be kind of scary at first, you might not want to bother anyone or you might be scared of what they'll think. I've been there and I can tell you it'll be ok.

And I promise you'll feel better too. Don't be afraid to reach out to a friend, parent or pastor if your thoughts are getting out of hand. This is normal, and it happens to everyone time and time again. But what shouldn't be considered as normal is letting the devil win.

So when next he tries to get to you through your thoughts or by lying to you defend yourself with the truth, God's word. God loves you and will most definitely back you up in battle. God bless you ♥️

~ Anne :)

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