Church notes

42 10 1

The scriptures shared and my notes are too long to type of it but ill give a summary of the message

It is in difficult situations that God is revealed it is also in these situations that Christians seek God's face. This is contrary to many Christians today who lament and complain. In hard times God reveals himself to people and Christians realise their identities. It deals with knowing who God is and having the revelation of him

Its similar to how different David was. He knew the God he served and did not fear while a lot of Christians fear, worry and remain in pain for a lack of knowledge of who they serve. Its in different situations which shouldn't drive you to doubt God more but to seek him more. The more the kingdom of darkness seeks to attack the more you press on in Christians

With Joseph, if you asked yourself why then you would remain in the Pharaohs palace or go to prison you would choose prison but God needed Joseph to be in prisons so he can reveal himself .

in life there is a time of manufacturing and a time of expiration. Each has its own divine date, nothing lasts forever

Why most don't reach where God wants them to be

*pride and self sufficiency Pride isn't just about thinking your better then someone else but a lot of it comes by thinking your more holy then someone based on what you do. a person who deals with pride will struggle to be where God wants them to be because they see too much in themselves and aren't willing to be teachable they hold onto what they think is right and don't always follow the counsel of others. They also struggle to open up about their own issues out of fear of how people will see them. Example is if someone is dealing with sexual immorality wont tell someone they are because they don't want to be seen as not as good as they project themselves. This is a issue of the heart

One who climbs up during the difficult distinguish himself. Your different from the rest of the world when instead of panic and fear your bold and remain in truth. A person will be where God wants them to be when they set themselves apart and abstain from sin, when they go the extra mile with God.

Ignorance is a key factor to why a lot of people aren't where God wants them I be. They don't study the word or seek God for themselves, they don't feed themselves spiritually and don't have discernment these are common in lukewarm Christians and new believers not to be solid in what they know. Each person should seek God continously because he wants to be seek and find with all your heart


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