Seek God As Much As You Do When You're In Pain

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Seek God As Much As You Do When You're In Pain

We are the ones who draw further from Him but God is always there for us. The problem is that we don't often FEEL God is close to us because of the way circumstances appear.

Remember Daniel from the lions den. If you don't know who he is you can read the book of Daniel. You need to understand that Daniel is human, he is no more special than you. He is just like you and me. Anyone in his place would think "Wow, so God's just left me? Is He going to let me die now?"

We would worry about our family, friends and all we will be leaving behind. We would be thinking of our end and that this is it but Daniel boldly still believed God was with Him. Joseph was in Prison (Genesis 39) yet the Bible says God was with Him. The 3 Hebrew men (Daniel 3), went through the furnace but trusted God was with them.

There is never a moment where God is far. We just don't believe He is close. When we're happy God is there. When we are sad, God is there and unlike the old testament, we now have the privilege to have the Holy Spirit in us. When we head to bed He is there in us. When we wake up, He is there once again. When we cry He comforts. God is always with you.

When we are in pain that's when we seek God the most? This is a big issue that can occur. When we are in times of trouble, we pray, we fast, we seek God and hunger for Him more and more. We want His peace, His joy, His providence etc but once we got it all. Once we do have that job, do have that marriage, do have that promotion or whatever we sought God for, we don't focus on God.

Blessings become a distraction. Think about it, when you hear exciting news like a wedding or a conference you're invited to. How many of us immediately think "I need to talk to God about this. I need to seek Him so I can thank Him. I want to fast just to be close to Him because wow His so amazing. I want to spend 1 hour in worship today because everything today just went so well. We often only worship when we have a rough day or something bad happened.

Girls, barely any of us have this kind of mindest. Instead, we will call others, dance by ourselves and thank God a little, maybe be excited and happy but we won't seek God the way we did when we prayed for these things. When we are sad we can journal chapter after chapter, we cry before God and can be in prayer for so long. We are in worship for hours just praying for peace but once we do have peace, we don't simply seek God for Him.

God is close but we can ignore His presence. We allow circumstances to distract us or lose our desire for Him.

But I want us to be different. We seek God everyday with the same zeal. Whether that day is busy or not. Whether it went well or didn't. We love God and seek Him for Him and not necessarily for ourselves. We go to God because His our Father and nit just our problem solver.

If you're guilty of this I challenge you to ask yourself if you're someone who constantly priorities God and right now to ask God to help you consistency seek Him.


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