Trusting God When The Pain Is Ongoing

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Trusting God When The Pain Is Ongoing

When you feel like this, I would suggest reading scripture. Joseph probably felt the same way when he was sold into slavery by his brothers, then he was falsely used and thrown in prison for years. Even with Abraham, God promised him a son but only after years did he finally get Isaac. Think about Ruth, Noami lost all her sons and her husband, death after death yet God still had a plan for them and they had such a beautiful story at the end.

You see, you never know what God is doing behind the scenes. Faith is even though things might look horrible that we trust that God still is good. It's not easy because we can rely on our natural eyes to believe but faith is different. Faith is believing even when you don't see. It's when things look at their worst yet you believe God is doing something amazing. It's not seeing the amazing than believing but believing than seeing. Faith isn't blind but it's based on truth, that God is always good and doing good. All these Bible characters and a lot more could easily give up hope and abandon God, some doubted, and some tried doing their own thing but failed miserably but in the end, God always shows that He wasn't just watching but was active in their lives and working. Especially in their hearts.

Everyone has battles sis, every single person has moments when they are at their worst, when they feel like giving up and when it looks like God has abandoned them, everyone has those moments when they tears and pain feel common every day but Jesus promises peace amid the pain. In this world, we will have many troubles but Jesus overcame and so will we.


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