When God Feels Distant

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When God feels distant, it means He's teaching you.

This is something I also learned. We often feel like God is far when He is actually still there.

He did promise to never leave us or forsake us. Often these times of trial means He's growing you, teaching you, shaping you, equipping you for what's to come and your purpose.

He hasn't left you sis, but instead He's only teaching you. Often God allows this season to allow you to LISTEN.

Instead of begging God for this season to go, dare yourself to ask him this:

What do you want me to learn in this season?
What's the purpose of this season?
Give me more faith to go through this season.

These questions and prayers are great for this season. Remember to open your eyes and start listening to what God tells you. He's going to be talking, so you need to forget about your pain and start focusing on His still voice.

These seasons can also grow you and your maturity in Christ and give you wisdom and experience from which you can learn and can give to others. Trials lead to testimonies, and we should remember every season has a purpose.


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