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I was talking to a friend recently. I told him that unlike the years preceding this one I was actually happier. 2021 2020, 2022 and actually not been very easy years for me. I didn't think I was growing spiritually and I was going through a lot spiritually and emotionally at the time. I told him about how I have been praying more and worshiping more actually making time to get to know God and then told he asked me if that's what's making this year different from the other years

I'm not I'm not saying that prayers are a "get out of problems free card." You'll still Face principalities and all trials and all problems. But you won't have to face them alone. Praying and talking to God actually makes things easier. You can talk to him whenever you need something, when something bothers you, I'd you're upset or you can just tell him about your day. Sometimes I look at certain situations and pray quietly "Lord please help me" or "please give me the strength to face this" That can help.Honestly school has been taking out a lot of my strength and it has been hard trying to develop a balance between school life and my personal life. I'm slowly learning to do that and I still have a long way to go. But as I continue to pray and as I continue to talk to God as daily things get easier. He speaks to me more and I hear from him. It's easier to tell when he wants me to do something and when he doesn't want me to do something.It wasn't something I was able to achieve right away, I had to continuously talk to him, seek him and make time even when it got really hard. Even right now, I realize that I still have to pray even though my bed is literally calling my name. Praying more starts out as a discipline but will eventually become something you won't be able to do without.I'm not saying that it's going to be easy I still struggle with this myself I still keep things like posts till the last minute. But I know that with God's help I'll become more disciplined over time.One things that is important to remember is that you can pray for the strength to pray as well. You can ask God to give you the grace and strength to pray or simply ask him for a reminder to pray. You can ask him continuously for his peace and joy (which surpasses all understanding) so that on the days you don't feel like praying, he'll be there to inspire you to pray.I really do hope that God continues to help us all. That he strengthens us and we'll continue to grow and develop in our journey with him. I pray that we'll forever be thirsty for his presence and that he'll never leave nor forsake us.And I pray in Jesus name that he continues to guide and comfort us. Lord, I know that life is definitely not easy but what I don't know is what the person reading this is going through right now.I pray that you comfort them with your peace Lord Jesus. That you continue to remind them that you were there, are still there and will always be there for them even till the end of age (Matt 28:20)Thank you Lord Jesus I hope you were all blessed. Sorry for the long break 😢

~ Anne :)

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