How can we fast?

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Fasting isn't just staying away from food. Though that's a part of it, it also involves abstaining from things that give us earthly pleasure.

A good example of something you can avoid while fasting is secular music. You'd probably roll your eyes like "yeah that's easy" But it's much harder than it looks especially when you're used to listening to it. Trust me, I've been there.

Fasting is a good way to sustain your relationship with God and build you up so that you don't get too attached to things of the world. By fasting, you get closer to God and you understand Him more.

Another thing you can fast from is social media. As I'm typing right now I won't lie, I'm itching to go to Instagram and check out some memes but I know that this fast will be worth it. Of course you can't completely shut social media out, communication is important after all but you should minimize the amount of time you spend on it. Don't tap that app unless you really need to.

Moviesss, series and yes, tik toks should probably be avoided right now too. The reason why you need to fast from these things too is so that you don't spend the whole day watching season three of your favorite show instead of praying and reading your bible. These things can be really helpful when it comes to relaxing but can also be really distracting and addictive too. We fast so that they don't become idols and take God's place in our lives.

To fill in the Gap and not spend this week bored, there are other things you can do to honour God while fasting. You could listen to sermons, explore new Christian artists, create new Christian playlists, give bible journalling a try, write down your visions and pray about them and so much more.

You could also give Christian novels here on Wattpad a try. You can check the flourish ministries reading list or mine to find some. You'll be surprised at how much you relate to the characters and God could even use them to inspire you and speak to you.

Whatever you're doing during your fast, do it to the glory of God. Don't forget that sharing the word is important as well. You shouldn't make noise about your fast but you can talk to someone about the prince of peace.

I pray that God gives you the strength and grace to fast in Jesus name.

~ Anne

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