The Relapse'

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It's been a roller coaster year. And when I say it's been a roller coaster year, I really do mean it's been a roller coaster year. I've experienced such euphoric highs and I 've experience down moments that made me question the stability of my mental health. I just want to thank God for seeing me through everything. I really hope he sees me through this season as well.

In this post, I want to talk about relapses. This post isn't about addiction (Though, I hope God will give me the insight to write about that one day.) It's more about your general journey as a believer. There are some days where we'll make progress and lots of it. We'll be so happy and grateful and naturally you would want to share that joy with everyone else.

But we also have the days where we backslide. We fall back on the habit we're trying to break; you end up losing the temper you thought you had under control; you find out you've been making the same mistake for years in a row. This, sisters is what I like to call a relapse. And I'll be explaining more about it as the Lord leads me.

Relapses occur in everyone's lives, though in certain seasons, it might happen a lot more often than you're used to. Lately, I for one have noticed that I'm losing the control I had over my emotions. They're basically all over the place and I'm still trying to learn that I can have peace in the storm. Problems don't always go away immediately but God's comfort is always readily available for me.

· I think the first way to deal with a relapse is to pray. God's answer for you will always differ from God's answer to someone else. It's not like prayer makes whatever you're dealing with instantly disappear but it calms you down. You made a mistake; you're owning up to it and that is okay. God's mercy is infinite. You can never ever exhaust it.

· Don't allow the guilt to eat you up. Remember that God forgives, and he forgives without a price. He already knew what was going to happen anyway. He knows what is going on now and he knows what will happen ten years from now. He'll never judge or criticize you for backsliding because he knew exactly what he was doing when he created you. You are a necessary piece in the jigsaw puzzle called God's plan, do not allow the devil to convince you otherwise.

· Stay away from people who judge. The bible does say after all "Judge not and ye shall not be judged." The holier than thou's of society will only talk smack about you and exalt themselves on a pedestal that they really don't belong on. Hang out with humble people or people you know you can trust. If you need one, ask God for an accountability partner who can keep you in check so that you don't have another relapse.

All in all, stay rooted in God's word. Dwell and remain constantly in his presence. More often than not, the devil is behind the cause of our relapse, but he can only dwell in your environment if you let him. Create a holy atmosphere around yourself. You can do this by praying more, fasting, studying God's word, listening to sermons and so much more. Guard your ear and eye gates. Note what the apostle Paul says in Matthew 5:30 (NKJV)

43 If your hand causes you to sin, cut it off. It is better for you to enter into life []maimed, rather than having two hands, to go to []hell, into the fire that shall never be quenched-

Here, Paul isn't literally asking you to amputate yourself. He's trying to tell you to separate yourself from negative vices and abstain from things that could cause you to sin. Keep yourself pure and stay away from anything that might tempt you to sin. I f you know certain situations bring out a side of you you don't like (or trigger you), try to avoid them if you can.

I pray that the Lord continues to help us in our Christian journey. I pray that his strengthens us, comforts us and keep us going till the very end. I pray for anyone who feels alone, abandoned and/or afraid that the Lord will be there with you. I pray that he'll comfort you and remind you of his presence and that he is forever with us (Matthew 28:20)

Before I go, here's something Paul said about his own weaknesses that will forever stick with me.

9 And He said to me, "My grace is sufficient for you, for My strength is made perfect in weakness." Therefore, most gladly I will rather boast in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me. (2 Corinthians 12:9 NKJV)

~ Anne :)

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