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Matthew 6:33
33 But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.

We can't seek for something if we have no desire to find it. When we decide to seek it's because we desire to find something.

To seek first the kingdom of God is to desire to first seek the kingdom of God primarily.

When the Bible tells us to seek first, it means to focus on finding His kingdom first. Seeking is also a focus, our focus is to find His kingdom and righteousness. It's what we see to gain and not materialistic things primarily.

We limit ourselves whenever we seek things from this world more than Hus kingdom and righteousness. Why? Because God takes care of those things

A few verses ahead of this famous one is talks about how the Gentiles /non Christian / world seek these things and God knows we need them. In verse 33 it says we should seek the kingdom. The world seeks these things because they don't know there's a God who takes care of these things.

As Christians, we can live just like the world. We search for love, care, support, food, provision etc when God promises to do those very things. We act like those who don't know God (the world) because we're anxious about things God already does for us and figured out.

But God tells us not to be like this. He tells us to seek His kingdom, unlike the world to seek His righteousness.

God will take care of your life. He takes care of the how and what but it's our responsibility to continuously seek to be more like Jesus. The more you become like Jesus the more you can reflect His glory.

When we focus on His righteousness (finding His righteousness) we grow in being used.

We seek just money but what's the purpose behind it? If God gives you a platform it's for you to be light, represent Him and for you to bring glory to Him. It's not about the fans, the fame and the popularity but His kingdom being established here on Earth.

The purpose why God gives us blessings is bigger than us. It's to impact people outside of us and when we focus on that, God will take care of everything else. He promises to care for us but when we try to do God's job or replace God with something else then that's when we begin to become more like the world.


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