God Calls Us To Mediate

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 God Calls Us To Mediate

Which is to ponder, think, reflect on His word. I can say a lot of us read God's word but how many of us meditate on God's word. Do we sit in a quiet space and take the time to understand, to reflect and meditate on what we have read or do we just read and tick off that we have read our Bible

Sisters in Christ, we aren't to only read God's word but to go a step further. Whenever someone gives me a random article I read through it, skimming through the important points a caring much about details or fully understanding the context but whenever someone sends me something to read that I love, I take the time to understand the story. I even go back some pages or reread if I'm ever confused. I reflect and I gained the scenes in my mind.

This should also be our attitude with God's word. Let's decide to take things a step further to truly understand and use God's word.


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