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For some period  of time zahra'u thought things are beginning to fall into place for her, she gave birth to a beautiful baby girl and named her after her mother, mama sikirat take care of her and even gave her a space to stay in her house, zahra'u see a mother in the middle age woman and its exactly 2months since she give birth,
  She's sitting in the small bedroom in mama sikirat apartment breastfeeding her baby, she glance at the wall clock showing 1am making her to sigh, there's a knock on her door and she look up wondering who would be at this time of the night.

"Zahra'u." Mama sikirat call entering the bedroom and zahra'u look up from her baby.

"Yes ma'am." She answer dropping the baby on the shabby dead mattress.

"Ohh your baby is sleeping already?'she ask and zahra'u node with a smile and the woman node.

" OK that is good.
Uhmmm Alhaji momudu is here,
I'm sure now you are ready to start business, you need money to take care of your child and he will give you enough money, we can also expand our restaurant. "Mama sikirat say smiling at zahra'u who's staring at her.

Zahra'u doesn't have to think deep to know what the old Yoruba lady want her to do, she stare at the woman she thought care about her and she feel her eyes aching.

" why are you crying?
Atleast Alhaji will give you a better life, you have a baby alhaji mamudu will take care of all your needs you just need to give him what he want,
You are not new to this since you have a child already. "Mama sikirat say and zahra'u shake her head wiping the tears with the back of her hand.

" I thought you care about me?"zahra'u say and mama sikirat chuckle slightly.

Zahra'u this is ghetto ,
By now you should know nothing is free, it's a give and take place here on the street, if you are ready Alhaji is waiting for you i can take your baby so he can come do his business,
If you think you can survive on your own then you can leave my house,
There are girls that are dieing to have this type of privilege i give to you." Mama sikirat say already getting irritated as zahra'u wipe her tears.

"I cannot do this,
You think this is the life i want or choose for myself?" Zahra'u say feeling betrayed and used once again by the person she thought care about her, she hasn't told her story to mama sikirat but she wonder if things would be different if she do.

"I was a raped victim,
I didn't choose that to happened to me ,
I am just a victim of negativity of life." Zahra'u say crying and mama sikirat snort.

"That is not my problem,
I took care of you for the past three months you think i don't have plans to benefit from you
If you don't do this how am i going to gain from all the money i spend on you this past month?
Are you going to be cooperative with alhaji yes or no?" Mama sikirat ask impatiently staring  at zahra'u who shake her head.

Zahra'u knows she can never do what mama sikirat is asking her to do, sure enough she's a rape victim several time but she just cannot do what mama sikirat is asking her to do, she will hate herself for bringing herself so low.

"Then i don't want to see you in my house,
I don't want to come and see you here,
Useless girl had i known this is how you will repay me back after all the generosity i showed toward you i would have leave you to rotten in the street,
Stand up and leave my house
aimọgbọnwa omobirin,ìwọ yóò jẹrà ní ìgboro(stupid girl, you will rotten in the street)." She say and leave the bedroom.

"Let me not come and meet you in that room oo." Mama sikirat yell as zahra'u wipe her tears, she glance at the baby girl sleeping on the bed and sigh.

Where will she go with this baby at this time of the night, this is exactly what she fear if she's alone she wouldn't mind leaving and sleeping in the street but with her baby now she need an alternative, she grab her bag that is by the bed and remove her savings.
25,000 naira is all she got it's a decent amount for her to leave and find somewhere to sleep for the night, she clean her tears and stand up.

She arrange the few clothes she now have with the baby clothes mama sikirat and some of the girls at the restaurant got her, zahra'u feel bad for leaving especially after all the good things mama sikirat did to her, regardless the wrong path mama sikirat wants her to follow the woman is indeed a big part of her life she would never forget, she pick the little girl and clasp her on her back she tie her with the wrapper and put on the blue long hijab, she grab the now duffle bag she own and leave the bedroom.

The apartment is quiet a sign mama sikirat left with the obese, bald headed old man, zahra'u leave the apartment and sigh after stepping out of the gate,
She walk for a while and spot the motel, zahra'u walk inside and ask the reception for the cheapest bedroom which she say it's 2000 naira,
  she hand the lady the money and a guy direct her to the bedroom,
With a relaxing sigh she drop her little girl that is still sleeping on the bed and lay on the white bedsheets enjoying the soft mattress as she stare at her baby, she feel so exhausted and tired,
  she glance at the wall clock in the bedroom and is suprise to see 2:45am sure enough time fly's, she decide to shower and enjoy the rotating ceiling fan for the night so she can figure out what to do with her life the next morning.

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love you all.

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