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For 3weeks mama have been receiving the necessary treatment in the hospital, she's healing but obviously left with a massive burn scars on her face, she's not the one to look at mirror and compliment how she looks now it rather get worst with the white patches burns scar,
she didn't say much to Hashim, he do always try to start up a conversation but she always avoid it, that's least of her problems, all mama wants now is a slight taste of happiness, some days she look back at how her life has been and she wonder,
Will it get better or worst?
She seems to be the victim all the time?
Perhaps it's a family trademark from her parents, hashim told her murja losses the pregnancy and mama couldn't help but wonder how everything she comes in contact with becomes a badluck,
She's a jinx and anyone that comes close to her seems to be affected by that to.

"So this is your discharged papers,
You will collect your medication at the pharmacy and come back in 2weeks."the doctor say and mama nod .

She wait until he leave the hospital room and she release a tiring breathe.
The hospital room open and hashim comes in, he look distress, mama avert her gaze and stare at the window with a sigh, Happiness?
She thought she will find that after marrying hashim but rather she find herself wishing for a different thing, sure enough she doesn't really know what she want in a life.

"The doctor say you've been discharged?"hashim ask glancing at mama and she nod handing him the papers, he sigh and collect them as he quietly arrange the few things that belong to them in the hospital room.

For hashim he hasn't slept well since he married mama, it's one problem arising or the other, first he losses his child and now murja wants a divorce, His shop in Dubai suffered a major loss in the recent fire outbreak, the goods sent to him from Jordan the cargo ship couldn't be found, nothing seems to be moving as he want, certainly this isn't how he imagined his life to be when he married mama.

"Let's go."he say trying a forceful smile on his lips as he grab the small duffle bag with the discharge papers,
He open the door and wait for mama as she grab her veil from the bed and roll it around her head making it a shield to cover her now scar face.

The drive home is a quiet one, Hashim thinking of how to convince murja to be back home, while mama wonder if things will ever get better in her life, to hashim suprise as the gate open the familiar black BMW is in the garage a sign murja is home, he releases a satisfying breathe of exhaustion and halt by the front porch with a sigh,
mama waste no time and come out of the car, she just want to see herself in her bedroom, she quickly open the door and walk inside the parlour but halt when she spot murja.

"Maryam how are feeling?"murja ask and mama nod.

For some reason she's not upset with murja, she can only understand her pain, she loss her child.

"Good evening."mama greet and murja nod as she glance at hashim who walks inside with the duffle bag.

There's an awkward silence for a while before mama decide to speak.

"I will just go to my bedroom."mama say and hashim glance at murja who' now have her gaze fix on her phone screen.

"Maryam just a minute please."hashim say and mama stop, she glance at the empty couch next to her and sit, she's soo exhausted, all she need now is a long shower and sleep.

"Murja."hashim call sitting with a sigh on one of the couch.

"Murja i know i offended you, matter of fact i don't deserve your forgiveness but some certain things happened in our life that it's literally out of our control, I'm sorry for the pain I've put you through."hashim say and murja look up from her phone and didn't say a word, her gaze turn to mama and she shake her head before turning her Attention back to her phone.

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