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1month later

"Uhmmmmm Bilal."zahra'u call gaining Bilal attention from the plate of food.

"Bashir ask if we can meet today,
With mama."zahra'u say and bilal release a tiring breathe.

Bashir and his wife relationship isn't something he's happy about, it's been a month and the two have hanged out more than 3times, the unnecessary calls doesn't help, Bilal doesn't want to protest because he do know it will rather upset zahra'u but she's his wife and he do be lieing if he say he's not upset about the relationship.

"OK."Bilal say and stand up as zahra'u glance at the plate of untouched food but didn't comment.

She know Bashir calls and demands are getting to much, but she couldn't say no to him, they usually just sit and talk but she know it's wrong, they are both married and this meeting is always bringing back old memories.

"Are you going with mama?"Bilal ask and zahra'u hummm in response.

"I'm not sure her company is necessary, I'm going out with her so you two can spend as much time as you can."Bilal say picking the little girl .

"Bilal there's nothing between me and bashir..........

"Zahra'u you barely spend with us,
It's weekend and you want to go out to meet him, I know you don't love me but you don't have to treat me this way, I'm human to and i also have emotions,
I know i don't have any reason to question you but I love you and i know you don't feel same way but can't you at least give me a chance?

"Bilal stop talking to me that way,
I'm trying in this relationship, bashir is the only person that I'm comfortable with,
I'm myself whenever I'm with him ,
If you think I'm cheating on you or something then obviously you are not serious because I'm not like you Bilal,
If you don't want to stay with me you can divorce me it's not like I'm benefitting anything out of this marriage."zahra'u say bitterly and harshly.

Because you have the perfect man right,
I'm not perfect zahra'u but my love for you is genuine,
He's a married man, his wife was your best friend she's expecting a baby,
Zahra'u i know you are the victim but if you will punish me this way then you will not longer be the victim,
Rather everyone will see you as the villain."Bilal say and zahra'u snort standing up.

"I don't want your opinion in my life Bilal,
You don't deserve me and...........
She couldn't find a word so she leave the dinning table.

Bilal grab the car key from the table with the daughter and leave the parlour, he doesn't want to offend zahra'u but he's just hurt, zahra'u have completely changed, they don't even have the slightest close relationship anymore, everything changes since bashir come back into her life.

For Bashir removing zahra'u love is impossible, even do he promised to be just friends it's impossible, he adore zahra'u and he is always looking forward to seeing her.

"Ya bashir Ina zaka je?"Aliyah ask staring at her husband who's getting dress.

"I'm going to see zahra'u."he say without a care, he know his attitude toward Aliyah is unfair but he's upset, they took advantage of his condition and got him married.

"Ya bashir this is unfair,
We are married and even expecting a baby, zahra'u is also married but you keep pushing yourself into her life,
If you two keep going like this it doesn't matter that you two are the victim if you both can't accept fate God isn't going to forgive you."she say with a sniff and flick her tears away.

Bashir ignore her and grab the car key from the bed quietly exiting the bedroom.
He know zahra'u is married and he's not even permissible for both of them to get this close but they couldn't help, they both feel as do they deserve to be with each other.


Standing by the park gate zahra'u look around the busy premises, despite there argument Bilal still drop her off, he even apologizes and leave mama with her, zahra'u feel bad for doing all this but what can she do, she couldn't get her mind off bashir.

"Hey."the familiar voice say and she quickly turn.

He collect mama from her and stare at her for a while before they head inside the crowded park.

"I think we should stop this."zahra'u say with a sigh once they sit under a shade.

"Stop what?"bashir ask even do he knows zahra'u is referring to there relationship.

"Stop seeing each other, B i know we still have feelings for each other bit don't you think God has reason for joining us with different spouse, I feel guilty for treating Bilal the way i do,
I don't love him but he doesn't deserve to be treated that way."zahra'u say in all honesty and bashir shake his head.

"He raped you zahra'u how can you even forgive such man,
You are too nice to be true."bashir say shaking his head.

This are the few things that makes him love zahra'u, she's too kind-hearted, when she told him Bilal is mama biological dad he was surprised but then zahra'u have a big forgiving heart and she is still staying with a horrible man like Bilal.

"I don't want to judge him by his past,
If you judge me by my past you wouldn't have treated me the way you did."she say and bashir release a deep breathe.

"Zahra i still love you,
I just cannot see myself with any woman,
You are my life zahra'u."bashir say staring at zahra'u who's staring at him.

Zahra'u avert her gaze from bashir and release a heavy breathe and massage her forehead.
Hearing those words from bashir mouth makes her heart ache and seeing how broken he is while saying them makes her heart melt.

"Zahra'u get a divorce,
I will marry you and take care of you."bashir say staring at her.

He knows he's sound selfish but he can't resist zahra'u, she's always on his mind, he want his zahra'u back he doesn't want to believe fate doesn't want them together.

For zahra'u hearing those words from bashir mouth makes her happy but then, she doesn't want to do something she will regret, Aliyah is her best friend and Bilal has been nice to her regardless what he did to her in the past,as the sunset and the evening creeps in zahra'u find herself in a dilemma on making the rightful decision.

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