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For zahra'u seeing Bashir just makes all her emotions overwhelmed, it makes her question herself if Bilal truly deserve a second chance,
She was raped. And now she have contacted a life threatening diseases that makes her have to take a medication for her entire life, it hurt her, it break her apart knowing it was same man that brutally, traumatize her life that is her husband.

2weeks have pass since Bilal surgery she hasn't gone to check on him, she have try to reach out to Bashir but all effort seems in vain, Dr sadiq told her she's just wasting her time because Bashir has a permanent memory loss and he's already married to Aliyah,
That information really shattered zahra'u she spend the entire day crying, she turn to the only genuine person that she find comfort in Hashim "But perhaps you hate a thing and it is good for you; and perhaps you love a thing and it is bad for you. And Allah Knows, while you know not." He quoted the Qur'an verse for her but how can God choose Bilal for her when he was the reason she loses everything, hashim let her know that he will always support her regardless the decision she takes but he also told her that,
Bilal needed her because she was the redemption he's been searching for and perhaps the almighty reunited them now because it's the only way for each of them to heal, hashim Always has a way with word but zahra'u still feel betrayed, she feel hurt and she believes Bilal doesn't deserve her especially knowing the only man that came to he rescue when she needed help is still alive.
Bilal doesn't deserve her she knows that but now he's a part of her life.

For Bilal he keeps wondering why zahra'u haven't showed up since his surgery, they were OK before he was taken to the theatre he misses her, he has try reaching to her but she doesn't pick his calls, Dr sadiq explain to him the new development in there life and that really hurt Bilal, the thought of zahra'u leaving him scared him.

"Gently."the nurse say helping Bilal up the front porch, he's been discharged and will only come for regular check ups.

The nurse open the door as Bilal enter the heavily Arabian oud scented parlour zahra'u sure is a blessing to him.

"Welcome back."zahra'u say with a smile coming out of the kitchen and bilal stare at her, he misses her soo much and regardless the smile on her face he knows beneath them is an anguish.

"Thank you."he say sitting on the couch as the nurse come in with some of his remaining stuffs.

"You can leave i will take care of him.'zahrau say and the nurse nod, she explain some few things to zahra'u mostly what Bilal should avoid until he's fully recover before she leave.

The two stay in a silence for a while before Bilal decide to speak.

"Zahra'u."he call when she turns to leave.
"I know i don't deserve you and.........

"Bilal let's not talk about this,
You need to rest."she say and bilal stare at her.

"I really care about you and if you don't want to be with me i can't force you because you deserve someone better."he say and zahra'u shake her head.

"It doesn't matter Bilal,
I just wonder why God chooses to make things this way."she say and Bilal stay quiet.

" I'm sorry."Bilal say and zahra'u shake her head with a slight chuckle.

"It won't change anything,
Neither will it heal me Bilal,
6 of you raped me that night, I got kicked out of the house i thought was home, I was heavily pregnant and have to sleep on the street, I worked for nine months and gave birth to mama, you don't know a single thing about how painful and how hard i struggle, there are days where i think of suicide but............I think of mama and how she will grow up without a mother and it scared me alot,
At least now if i die i know my daughter is with her father ."zahra'u say with a sigh.

"Let's not talk about the past Bilal,
Let's just face the future,
You are a changed man and that's all that matters now, if we continue judging people by there past..........
Bashir wouldn't be a part of my life,
I wont promise you a perfect relationship but i hope whatever it is between us should work even do is because of mama."zahra'u say and Bilal just stare at her.

"What can i do?"Bilal ask, he's confused he doesn't know what exactly he can do to erase that painful memories from zahra'u, everyone the society especially might think he doesn't deserve a second chance and that he deserve to be jailed, sure Bilal knows he deserve all that but then people don't know that there's no difficult and painful punishment than guilt, it eat you up and leave a tainted scar on you forever.

Him having to wake up everyday and see the same girl he hurt and ruined her life is the worst punishment ever because anytime he sees her, he knows she doesn't deserve him and that he is responsible for the situation she is today.

"Have you eaten?"zahra'u ask changing the topic and he shake his head.

"But I'm OK,
I just need to rest."he say and zahra'u nod as the front door open.

There daughter walk in with the elderly driver who zahra'u greet and quickly Collect the backpack from him and he walk out of the parlour.

"How was school?"Bilal ask smiling at mama, she's like the most beautiful important thing in his life, he might regret what he did that night but he is certainly happy it produces something beautiful as mama.

Zahra'u glance at the two as she head to the kitchen, second chances are difficult it's easy to forgive but for how long will she convince herself that it's OK when it's not, she wonder why her own fate is so twisted, it still hurt but when can she heal and will that pain ever go away and the most important question,
Did Bilal truly deserve a second chance?.

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I am also curious did Bilal deserve a second chance?

Did a rapist deserve a second chance?

I'm waiting for your opinions with wide eyes and twitching ears.

I love you all.

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