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"Mama sorry."Bilal say lifting the little girl as he glance at the wall clock showing 2am.

He's given up on zahra'u, Hashim and even his dad have try to let her see things in a positive perspective but she clearly doesn't want to listen, she barely stays home and even do she's home, she's always in her bedroom, it's emotional traumatizing to Bilal, especially with how distance zahra'u has become with there daughter, he cannot remember when last she sees the little girl, for the past 2days mama has been having a really bad fever, he barely have time for himself to even take her to hospital.

Bilal stare at the little girl as she grab his hand and place her head on his lap making him to sigh at how high the temperature of her body.

"Mama i will be right back,
Let me get dress so we can go to the hospital."he say and try to stand up but mama refused to let go making him to sigh.

He stand up with the little girl and grab the white t-shirt in his wardrobe, he drop her on the couch and put it on before grabbing the car key from the bed side and exit the bedroom.
He glance at zahra'u bedroom door deliberately and decide to knock, he knows zahra'u hate him but she still care about mama she's there daughter after all, he knock and after 20minutes of knocking without answer he leave.

Staring at the bedroom door zahra'u hiss lowly and continue reciting the Qur'an, she's fed up with everything going on in her life and seeing Bilal everyday doesn't help, the fact that he's been stubborn about divorcing her doesn't help her anger, she already make her decision in as much Bilal will continue keeping her in his house then she's never going to speak to him nor forgive, sound selfish but she doesn't care, bashir is the only single soul in this planet that give her the love she's been yearning for when she needed it, he was there for her when the whole world was against her and she love only him and that won't change, after several knock on the bedroom door she hear his footsteps fading from the door.
She glance at the wall clock and sigh 2am a yawn escape her mouth and she lay down on the prayer mat, falling asleep instantly.

By morning Bilal is seriously worried by how mamah sickness escalated, she keeps vomiting and at the end the little girl pass out, the doctors have been running some tests and trying there best to make sure she's ok.

"Sorry mama."Bilal say with a tiring yawn as he send his secretary a message to let him know he's not coming to work.

The door open and he look up with a sigh.

"Sadiq."Bilal call sitting upright.

"I just got here for my shift,
What happened mama?
Why didn't you call me?"sadiq say slightly feeling now mama's stable temperature.

"Doctor Mike was helpful."Bilal say and sadiq nod.

"What did they say is wrong with her?
Or they haven't said anything to you yet?"sadiq ask and Bilal sigh.

"They've took her sample,
I'm still waiting."Bilal say and sadiq nod.

"I will be right back."sadiq say and leave the hospital room.

Bilal stare worriedly at his daughter, zahra'u is not even picking his car, at this point he think giving her the divorce is the only option because he can't tolerate this, mama cannot either the hospital room open and hashim comes in.

"You should have knock on my door yesterday night, how's she feeling?
Have you call zahra'u?"he ask and Bilal shake his head.

"She's not answering my calls."he say with a sigh as sadiq walk inside the hospital room, he have a very worried look on his face that makes both Hashim and bilal sit upright.


Bashir's pov

Aliyah told us this girl is even having HIV, she's married for God sake what is soo special about her that is so difficult for you to let go?"my aunt say and i shake my head tiredly.

I know my family aren't very nice and nobody want to even approve of this marriage, but i honestly don't care, nobody's opinion matters to me in as much zahra'u is leaving that marriage I'm going to marry her.

"Aunty it doesn't matter,
I love her and there are alot of HIV victims that are happily married,
I understand Aliya is not happy about this but let not anyone upset me with excessive criticism,
I'm heading out i have things to do."I sat and stand up from the couch, removing my ringing phone from my pocket as i exit the parlour.

I was supposed to meet up with zahra'u at the hospital, she told me she's going to collect her monthly medication, it's always difficult for her to go alone so i offered to go with her mostly because i want to see her and we need to talk about her husband.
Why doesn't he want to divorce her, he doesn't even deserve her.

Sauntering inside the hospital building zahra'u head for the pharmacy ward as she collide into someone.

"Sorry doctor."she say grabbing her handbag from the floor to leave.

"Zahra'u."Dr sadiq call, since bashir gaining his memory back there relationship has turn sour but what bothers him the fact that zahra'u barely come with there daughter for the dialysis section and he's sure she doesn't know mama is in the hospital.

"I'm heading.......

"Zahra'u i know we don't have a very healthy relationship anymore but,
Don't you know your daughter is in the hospital?"he ask and he can see how instantly her head snap up.

"Mama."she say more like ask and sadiq nod he doesn't want to be the one to break the news to her, because he knows her react will break him apart.

"What is wrong with her?"she ask as sadiq spot the familiar figure walking towards them.

"Zahra'u!"bashir call walking towards her gaining her Attention as he smile at her.

"Sadiq is telling me mama is been admitted just now."Zahra'u say as bashir glance at his bestfriend.

"What happened to her?"bashir ask and sadiq face palm with a sigh.

"Sadiq."Bilal call walking hysterically towards sadiq as he glance at his wife and bashir but didn't comment.

That's least of his problem, he's at a point of divorcing zahra'u because it won't make any difference to him, he just want to take care of his daughter.

" I need to go home and get some of mama's stuffs,
Hashim is with her."Bilal say as zahra'u stare at him, she's suprised by his cold attitude if anything she's used to been pampered by Bilal so his estranged attitude just makes her sick to her stomach.

"Bilal i............

"What is it zahra'u?"Bilal snap upset.
I will bring your divorce paper if I'm coming back, isn't that the only thing that matters to you?
"I know i have wrong you in the past not only you alot of people,
my past isn't something I'm proud of zahra'u and I'm sorry you were a victim but........... Bilal pause not knowing what else to say, he's speechless and angry at himself for been soo wayward while growing up.

"You are right,
You don't deserve to be with someone like me,
Can i have your pen?" Bilal ask and grab the pen from sadiq hand.

He remove the blue paper from his pocket and scribble down the divorce and hand it to zahra'u.

"Here."he say with a sniff and flick the slightest tears threatening to leave his eyes.

"I can't divorce you three times zahra'u,
I don't have that much courage especially because of mama,
But here it is and i hope you will find the happinesses you deserve."Bilal say but zahra'u is speechless, she feel so numb and it's like her soul is slowly leaving her body.

Sure she want a divorce but then there is just this part of her that doesn't want Bilal to divorce, she's like in an ocean of dilemma.

Bilal hand the paper to bashir and turn to sadiq.

"Let me get going,
I will be right back."he say and walk away with a heavy heart, he wonder how zahra'u will handle the news of the new health issue there daughter have to battle with.

Well I'm back everyone,
This time for good,

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