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Mama's pov

I couldn't sleep yesterday night, I spend the entire night sitting on thesame prayer mat I'm currently sitting, the fear of commitment, having have to take responsibility of been a married woman isn't something I'm looking forward to especially knowing Imran and I don't have the most good relationship,i glance at the wall clock showing 8am and i sigh, aunty amina told me the nikah is by 10am a knock on my door makes me stand up and quickly open the door.

"Good morning aunty amina."I say with a smile and she come inside with 2ladies one i don't have t to think twice to know she's the make up artist with the kit in her hand.

"You haven't bath?
Mama, where do you drop your phone I have been calling you it's off."she say as i sigh and sit on the edge of the bed.

"Go and bath,
Hurry up very soon this house will be full with guest and you are yet to bath, this is Aliya and maimunat,
They will keep you company, I will go and collect your clothes from the fashion designer."she say and i nod.

I enter the bathroom and I hear my bedroom door close a sign aunty amina leave, I spend my time in the bathroom, getting rid of all the single life mistakes and ready to start something new with my life, I come out of the bathroom and the two girls where talking to themselves, I grab an abaya from the suitcase and put it before walking to where they are sitting down.

"Sannun Ku."I say with a smile and they smile at me.

"Should we start the make up, it's already past 9am,"one of the girls who's name i think is maimunat say and i nod.

"Light one please,
I'm not a fan of this heavy make up thing."I say and they both chuckle as she stand up with a sigh.

For the next one hour, Aliya and maimunat keep me company they are easy going girls and for once i find myself comfortable talking about my past without fearing of getting judge.

You are not done."aunty murja say opening the door, she's dress up in a blue Ankara and i smile as my eyes glance at her bump.

"We are almost done,
Aunty amina is yet to be back with the clothes tho."I say just in time the door open and aunty amina walk in with multiple bags in her hand.

Good morning murja."she greet and aunty murja nod answering her ringing phone and exit my bedroom making me to release a heavy breathe.

Put this one now,
Your lefe is here, 25suitcases you lucky girl."she say and i smile weakly at her before entering the bathroom to change.

Halfway through me getting ready there's an inaudible noise in the bedroom that makes me quickly put on the clothes and come out of the bathroom tripping on my steps.

"Maryam have nothing to do with this murja,
You cannot blame this girl for your husband decision."aunty amina say as she stand in front of aunty murja who look really angry.

"She will come....
You are out already.
So you finally manipulate my husband into doing this,
Maryam i trusted you and this is how you paid me back?
You betrayed me a.......

"Aunty murja what's going on?"I ask confuse and she shake her head in disbelief.

"Mama you don't have to believe whatever she tell you,
Everything happen for a reason and you shouldn't blame yourself for any of this."aunty Amina say as i look confused between the two of them.

"What is going on?"I ask confuse as Aliya grab me by the hand to calm down.

"Stop pretending,
You.......I will deal with you in this house."aunty murja say and leave the bedroom angrily as i look at aunty amina for more explanation to what is going on.

"Mama."aunty amina call and sit on the edge of the bed.

"You got married to your uncle."she say and i swear to God my heart stop beating for a while.

"Uncle..unc...uncle hashim?"I ask and aunty amina nod, from the way she's composed it's as if she already know about this, I feel my palms sweating.

I know this is unexpected but it's for the best, hashim love you and it's not haram to be in love with someone that raised you, I want you to be strong I know this is going to be difficult but everything will be ok eventually, "ba,a kanki aka fara ba"
All that matters is hashim love you, murja is just upset which is understandable she will eventually come around."aunty amina say and i just breakdown.

This isn't how i expect my wedding day to be, I won't say I'm sad but I'm not happy either, how can i even explain to aunty murja that i don't know a single thing about this.
The day drag by slowly and in an intense quietness, one by one the guest leave some with cruel remark about me betraying my aunty while others saying it's a fated marriage, by 8pm i pray my Isha prayer and aunty amina is still with me in the guest bedroom with Aliya and maimunat who refused to leave despite aunty Amina objection about them staying.

"Maryam."aunty amina call, 4 of her friends are also with her they make sure nobody especially aunty murja relatives who keeps saying crude, hurtful remark about me come anywhere near me.
"Maryam i know this isn't how you expect things to go today but, we plan and the almighty plan and we all know he's the best planner, be Patience, murja will come around, be obedient to your husband, I know this is a big change but believe me it's for the best, hashim knows you better than anyone he will take care of you as he always do, he will protect you."aunty murja say slightly brushing my should with her hand and i nod with a sniff.

"It will pass mama,
All this will be a story some day,
Everyone in this life is a victim one way or the other we where all taken advantage of, but if we embrace our differences we will be happy, don't let murja manipulate or try to jeopardize your marriage, hashim is your husband now you should take responsibility and be a good wife."one of aunty amina friend say and i just keep noding crying.

For the next 30minute they keep saying all this emotional talks and after what seems like forever aunty amina ask me to bath again, I shower and aliya touch up my face with a light make up and I put on one of the ankara before Aunty amina tell me my new bedroom will be refurnished by tomorrow, they all wish me good luck and leave.

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